Chapter Twenty Five

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The day had finally come. 

I was finally breaking the fuck out of here. 

But it certainly wasn't as wonderful as I had always pictured it to be. The last year of my life here had completely changed me as a person. I was no longer (or certainly hoped I wasn't) the skimpy, loaded, twat that started here at age eleven. I was...a man now. And I had a a purpose other than be a pawn in Voldemort's game. I was a friend. A scholar. A lover. 

So as us graduates lined up to file into the Great Hall for our final meal, a small tear rolled down my face.  A very bitter sweet tear. Sure, I'd now miss this place like hell, but I couldn't suppress the excitement I felt about moving on with my life, and going onto the next chapter. With my scruffy black haired mongrel by my side. 

We were lined up by last name so Harry and I weren't able to stand next to each other. He was right behind Pansy, a little ways up the row. But just as the tear fell from my eye, he turned around, looking for me. Once my eyes met with his slightly teary ones, he smiled, mouthed an 'I love you', and turned back around. I chuckled to myself. What a sap. 

Soon the doors to the Great Hall opened and we began to walk. As soon as the first eighth year was through the threshold, the entire hall erupted in cheers. We'd really done it. We were done with Hogwarts. 

My heart pounded as I walked further and further into the room. Luckily we were allowed to sit with whomever we chose for the final meal, so I plunked down next to Harry as soon as I saw him and the rest of our friends at our table. 

"You look like a garden gnome, babe," Harry giggled as soon as he saw me. Let me tell you, these pointy fucking caps did not do anything for anyone's appearance, but for some reason, I particularly looked absolutely ridiculous. Probably because my face is so pointy. 

"Hush, you prat." He laughed again and kissed my cheek before digging into his meal. For our final supper, we were served turkey, steak, chicken, mashed potatoes, vegetables, rices, some fruits, breads of all kinds, and drinks of whatever our choosing. A dinner fit for a king

"Bloody hell this MEAT is DEVINE!" Ron exclaimed through a mouth full of half the table. 

"Would you close your mouth, you look like a ravenous animal," Lavender scolded playfully from beside him. Merlin bless her soul for putting up with that firey red head. 

Just as desert was being served (which consisted of practically every treat in the Wizarding World), McGonagall lightly tapped her glass and walked up to the podium at the front of the Great Hall. 

"Good evening young Wizards. It is truly a grand celebration we have tonight isn't it?" Everyone cheered. 

"Tonight is an end. But it's also a beginning. Most of you will be returning home to start your summer Holiday activities before returning for a new and exciting year at Hogwarts. But other's of you are saying goodbye. Goodbye to your houses, your professors, your friends, and for many of you, your home. This year's graduating class has been by far the most remarkable out of any group of student's that have passed through these castle walls. They are made of valor. Of passion. Of good souls, and minds, and hearts. Without them, who knows what the world would look like today? We not only have to thank them for the greatness they shown us in this school, but we also have to thank many of them for saving our lives. So to our dear graduates, I wish you the absolute best in your life's endeavors. And I hope that you always remember, you all have a home here at Hogwarts. Thank you. And good luck." 

I couldn't help the waterfall pouring out of my eyes as McGonagall spoke. Harry and everyone at our table, every one of the eighth years really, looked about the same way. She truly was a remarkable woman. Just as she finished speaking, the whole room erupted. Everyone whooped and hollered, and of course, the bloody caps were thrown in the air. Amidst the tears, I began to laugh. We were free! This was it! 

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