Chapter Fourteen

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"So how's your week been, son?" Simon asked from the same chair he sat in last time. 

It had been a week since our last meeting. A week of missing Harry all day long and sitting bored on my arse in this damn infirmary. Trust me, I was beyond ready to get out of here. Luckily, after Simon assessed me, I was free to go if he deemed me to be in the clear (which I hoped to Merlin he would). 

"Quite boring honestly. Pansy has been over a couple of times with homework and gossip. And Harry comes to visit every morning and evening. Sometimes Ron and Hermione tag along with him. But other than that, I've just been trying to catch up on the work that I missed. And sitting here bored out of my mind when I have finished." 

"Well boring is better than the depressed, I have to say," he replied with a small smile, which I returned. 

"True, true." 

"Now, Draco. I know last week I said I just wanted to keep the conversation light. But now I think you're in a  state of mind to get into some more...less desirable details." I groaned. 

"Do we have to do this now? I'm just starting to feel better." 

"In order to get to the root of the problem, yes we do." He began to write some things down on his notepad. "You don't have to tell me anything that you're uncomfortable sharing, but just know that any information you provide is both confidential, and helpful to figuring out how to get you out of this 'dark place' as you referred to it." 


"Lovely. Now let's start from the beginning. When did you first start having these episodes, Draco?" 

"It was around the time my father got sent to Askaban. My mother, she was on house arrest for withholding information about the Deatheaters, and all she really did was mope around the manor. I started to fall into a similar state, what with the loneliness and my father being gone. It was over the summer I think, the first time I, you know...did the thing...." 

"And by 'thing', you mean self-harmed." 

"Yes. That." He wrote something down in his notebook. 

"Now have you had many attacks since returning to Hogwarts? Have they become more frequent since leaving home?" 

"It honestly depends on how you assess the situation. They were more frequent at home, but I didn't inflict as many wounds upon myself. At Hogwarts, the incidents were fewer and farther between, but often more dangerous. A good example being the last time." 

"Can you recall an specific times when you felt the need to hurt yourself?" 

"Well over the summer it was mainly just because of my Dark Mark. I wanted to rid myself of it so badly, I tried anything in my power to make it go away. The times at Hogwarts are more related to specific events. Like when my father died, and when Harry...." I trailed off, not wanting to think about Harry's mistakes when we had just gotten to a good place in our relationship. 

"Harry? Meaning your boyfriend?" 

"Yes...I'd rather not talk about that right now...." Simon quirked his eyebrow and wrote something else down in his notebook. 

"Draco...if Harry is hurting you in some way-" 

"NO no, not at all I promise. There have just been a couple of petty incidents that...triggered things. Nothing to be of concern, I assure you." Simon's expression relaxed slightly, but he still seemed unnerved. 

"Very well. As long as he is not causing you any problems right now, I suppose that's all that matters." 

The conversation seemed to die down after that. Simon wrote a few more things down in his notebook while I sat on my bed and fiddled with my fingers. 

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