Chapter Eight

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I spent about two hours sobbing on the bathroom floor, finding it hard to muster up the will to get up even after then. Finally, I decided I should probably clean myself up before any serious damage was done to my body. Not that I would mind...that much....

I stood up and grabbed my wand, spelling away the dried blood on my forearms. Then I sealed up the horrific wounds, watching my skin stitch itself back together. Once everything was somewhat back to normal, I walked back into my room to change my clothes. 

'What on earth made him pull away?' I thought to myself as I sat down on my bed. I was almost positive that he felt the same why I did. I mean the nervous whispers he would mumble to himself, the soft touches, the blushing, all of it seemed like a tell-tale sign. So what could have possibly went wrong? 

Moments later, I heard a small knock at the door. But Pansy being Pansy, didn't even wait for a reply before barging into the room. 

"Ok spill. Now," she demanded. 

"What are you talking about?" 

"You know what I'm talking about. Your little 'date' with Potter this afternoon". 

"I mean it was fine I guess..." 

"If it was fine, Potter wouldn't be downstairs in the Common Room looking like he's just seen a dead puppy". He's upset? But why, he was the one that caused all of this! He didn't deserve to be upset. 

"Well how should I know?"

"Seeing as you look quite similar, I figure you might have an explanation". 

"Well you're not...entirely wrong...."

"So out with it then! What happened, Draco?" And as per usual, I spilled. Once I was finished with my spiel, Pansy seemed as perplexed as I was. 

"That's impossible! He's been walking around like a lovesick puppy for weeks! Why on earth would he pull away from you?" 

"That's what I've been asking myself for hours". 

"Draco, you really need to talk to hi-" 

"NOT ON SALAZAR'S LIFE. I can never show my face to him again are you kidding me? The experience was mortifying enough". 

"But don't you want to be happy? At this point Harry seems like the only thing, besides me maybe, that gives you even a shred of enjoyment. I'm really starting to worry about you". 

"Pansy I'm a Malfoy, I don't need happiness to survive and I sure as hell don't need Harry Potter". 

"You may be a Malfoy, but you're not inhuman. You have feelings Draco, everyone has feelings. And you and I both know that you're spiraling downhill. And I can't be the only here to pick you up all the time". 

"I told you Pansy, I'm gonna be fine". 

"Fine?! The explain why your bathroom floor is covered in blood!" she yelled, looking towards my bathroom door. Looks like I forgot to clean up my whole mess.... 

"I can't help myself Pansy, it's my only escape" I mumbled. 

"Yah and it's a pretty unhealthy way to escape if you ask me. See, this is why you need someone like Potter. Before this whole rejection incident, you actually seemed to be doing somewhat better". 

"...I guess you're right...". 

"Of course I am , I'm always right" she smirked, whilst sitting down next to me on the bed and throwing an arm over my shoulder.

"Now will you please talk to Potter? For me?" she asked quietly. 

"I guess if it will make you that happy..." and I was then thrown into a bone crushing hug. 

"Thank you Draco. You know I'm only pushing you because I care about you. You're my best friend and I hate seeing you in so much pain". 

"I know I know. I would do the same thing for you". She pulled away and smiled. 

"See, I'm not a completely heartless bastard after all." And she chuckled at that. 


A few minutes after Pansy left, I mustered up the courage to walk down the stairs and into the common room. Just as Pansy had said. Potter was sitting on the couch, head in his hands. I slowly walked over to the couch and sat down next to him, silently. He must have felt the dip in the fabric, for he lifted his head and looked towards me. 


"That is my name," I sassed with a small smirk. He chuckled lightly. It was silent for a moment before he spoke again. 

"I would imagine you would want to talk about the...incident?" 

"I mean, yah I guess. Only if you want to." 

"I do, I do". It was silent yet again. Merlin, why must this be so damn awkward? We were fine up until this point. I had had enough of this child's play. I finally decided to ask what I had been wanting to ask. 

"Why did you pull away?" I whispered quietly. 

"What do you mean?" he asked avoiding eye contact. 

"You know what I mean. Clearly something was about to happen. So why did you, you know, stop the thing?" He was silent as I awaited his answer, my heart beating out of my chest as I nervously rubbed at my wrists. 

"Well I guess...I don't know. I mean it's not like I did't want know, do the thing. But...." 

"But what?" 

"I got nervous...." Nervous? NERVOUS?! The Boy Who Lived, who defeated the Dark Lord just months ago, who saved the entire wizarding world, who's nearly died a countless number of times, was nervous to kiss me? I almost laughed at the thought. 

"Why would you be nervous? I mean, I feel that I've made it pretty clear that I am interested". 

"I mean I sort of picked up on that. But just, you looked so afraid and shocked when I started leaning in. I started second guessing myself and I finally chickened out".  So it was partially my fault. 

"I'm sorry Harry. I mean I was nervous too. I guess that's why I looked so shocked. I have to admit I was. But that doesn't mean I didn't, you know want you to". 

"Now just to make sure we're on the same page," he began, inching closer, "what exactly did you want me to do?" 

"Oh come on, Potter. Don't make me say it. I know we're on the same page". He just looked at me with that stupid little smirk on his face. I signed and rolled my eyes. 

"I wanted you to...kiss me..." I trailed off at the end, still scratching my wrists. He smiled and took my hand, ceasing my scratching. 

"Well at least now I know that I'm not a complete loon." And we both chuckled. But as soon as I had begun to smile, Harry's gaze fell and his eyes glassed over slightly, a look of shock painting his features. 

"Draco what is this?" 

"What's what?" 

"What are THESE?" It took me a moment to realize that my sleeve had rolled up slightly on the hand that he was playing with. Which meant my wrists were exposed. Which meant Harry had seen my scars. 

And the walls that had safeguarded my deepest secret, that only one other person knew of, came tumbling down. 


Well, at least Draco and Harry have cleared the air. But what will happen now that Harry knows about Draco's problem? In all actuality, it's probably for the better, although Draco may not realize that yet. I hope you are all enjoying the story! Keep voting and commenting; it's greatly appreciated. Until next time! 


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