Another Chapter Nine

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It's not that I'm not happy for Harry. No that's the exact opposite of how I feel actually; I couldn't be more happy for him. It was just, well, there was this little nagging feeling at the pit of my stomach whenever I saw him and Draco getting close to each other. 

This doesn't happen to me very often, but I'm pretty sure this feeling was jealousy. 

I just wish I was lucky enough to have what they have. To have that connection with someone. But you know, not just any someone. Preferably with a tall, witty, shaggy ginger by the name of Ron Weasley. 

Who, excuse my French, is the most cowardice little fuck I have ever laid eyes on. 

It's been months since we kissed in the Chamber of Secrets. Months! And he has done absolutely nothing to show if he has any sort of feelings for me whatsoever. Maybe the kiss was just out of panic. Or celebrating the fact that we were still alive. Maybe it didn't have any meaning to it whatsoever. 

But there's this part of me that keeps telling me that it did. 

I was sitting on the couch in the common room listening to Harry ramble on about the ever charming Draco Malfoy when once again these thoughts invaded my mind. 

"And then I kissed him right on the cheek! Can you believe it Hermione? I was even surprised at myself, I just couldn't belie- Mione you seem distressed is everything ok?" Harry asked. I shook my head, bouncing out of my Ron daze and looked up at him. 

"What? Oh yes everything is fine! You can keep going if you please".

"I bet you didn't even hear half the things I was telling you," Harry replied with a smirk. "Now could you please tell me what's up? I know when something is bothering you".  

"It's really nothing you need to worry about-"

"Anything that has my best friend stressed is something I need to worry about". Always so pushy. 

"I mean it's just....*sigh* it's just about Ron again." He nodded in understanding. 

"That fire headed git still hasn't manned up yet has he?" I chuckled but sadly shook my head. 

"Mione, I think it's time the two of you had a little chat". 

"And how could I possibly do that? Hey Ron, how are you doing today? Oh and by the way, I've just been in love with you for Merlin knows how long and when you kissed me in the Chamber it was absolutely wonderful but you haven't spoken about it since then and it's sort of ruining my life."

And of course, because I have just the best of luck, Ronald Weasley himself happened to mosey on into the room right as I uttered my little speech. 

"Is that true?" he asked quietly from around the corner. 

My eyes widened, as did Harry's. No one even had time to speak as I sprung out of my chair and bolted out of the common room. 

"Hermione wait!" I heard Ron call, but I kept running. I could hear footsteps behind me, but I didn't dare look back. I kept running and running until I finally collapsed in the gardens outside. I thought maybe Ron had given up, but sure enough he appeared right beside me moments later. 

"Bloody hell, Mione! You're like a damn cheetah or something" he mumbled whilst trying to catch his breath, hunching over his knees. "Why did you run?" he asked out of breath. 

"Oh I don't know. Maybe it was because I just made a complete and utter fool of myself! And in front of you of all people". 

"I don't think you need to worry about embarrassing yourself in front of me. Have you known me at all the last seven years?" he asked with a smirk. I on the other hand continued to look down at the grass until I felt a giant hand encase my shoulder. Ron had sat down in the grass beside me. 

"Besides. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. If anyone should be embarrassed, it's me". I looked up at him. 

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean I've been such an arse to you ever since, you know, the incident in the Chamber. The truth is, I really didn't know what to think. I mean sure I had been wanting to kiss you for ages. But I was worried that when I did, maybe you thought you were just, I don't know, caught up in the moment when you kissed me back. I was too nervous to tell you how I felt about you". 

"Ron what are you trying to say"? He was silent for a few moments, anxiously looking around the gardens. Beads of sweat built up on his forehead, fists clenching and unclenching. Finally he took a deep breath and looked me dead in the eyes. 

"What I'm trying to say is that I'm in love with you. And I have been for a very long time". And that was all it took for me to lunge forward and crash my lips onto his. 

It was blissful. Thousands of times better than the one in the Chamber. This time, it was full of passion and love, and joy and anything else one could possibly think of. It was slow, and languid, the two of us just enjoying the feeling of being near one another. A huge weight was dropped off of my shoulders after his little 'confession'. Finally after all this time, I could truly be with the guy that I've been in love with since I was twelve. And I don't care how cliche or cheesy that sounds. 

A few minutes, or maybe hours, or maybe days later, we broke the kiss and rested our foreheads against each other. 

"You have no idea how long I have been waiting to do that" I whispered breathlessly. 

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to do that". We both chuckled and he pecked my lips a couple more times before pulling away completely. 

"Now come on. Lets go get some snacks". I rolled my eyes. 

"Clearly some things will never change. One of them being the bottomless pit you call a stomach". 

"Hmm, but you love me anyway," Ron challenged. 

"I'm not denying anything". He smiled and grabbed my hand, and together we walked back to the common room. 

My dearest Harry, when you and Draco get to this point, (which I would imagine would be quite soon), you're going to be in for quite the treat. 

I know I sure was. 

Well well well!

I was not lying when I said I might add a little Romione action in here and there. It doesn't really have anything to do with the plot, but I wanted to put them out of their misery. Enjoy your very late holiday present that was this little one shot from me! See you real soon. 


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