Chapter Thirteen

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The first thing I noticed when I opened my eyes was the white ceiling. 

The ceiling in my room was wooden, so clearly I was somewhere else. As I began to come to a bit more, I recognized that I was in the hospital wing. But why

And then I looked down at my arms and noticed the bulky white bandages encasing them. Oh yes, that's right, I had yet another episode. They seemed like they were never going to end. As I started to wake up a bit more the dreadful memories of yesterday began to flood back. The rejection, the cutting, the passing out, the pain. 

I still didn't know why Harry had been ignoring me in the first place. Not that I would ever have the nerve to show my face in front of him ever again after all of that. Merlin, I am a bloody idiot, ever thinking he would have genuine feelings for me too. I felt played, and betrayed, and embarrassed. It was awful. Some part of me wished that I had never woken up. 

But then I noticed the shaggy haired boy curled up on a chair on the other side of the room. 

His cheeks were red and tear stains tracked down the side of his face. He was curled in a small ball with his head resting on his arms, seemingly quite uncomfortable. I immediately recognized who it was. But why the fuck would he come here after all of that? Hadn't he wanted me to leave him alone after all?

"Harry, what are you doing here?" I called out weakly. He immediately woke up, and bolted towards my bedside. 

"DRACO! You're awake, thank Merlin, I was getting so worried. What if you had never woken up, oh I don't know what I would have do-" 

"Harry you need to slow down." He nodded as new tears began flowing down his face. "Why are you here?" I asked again. 

"Because I wanted to make sure that you were ok, obviously". 

"Obviously? Harry, you've been ignoring me for almost a week, and then when I tried to talk to you you rejected me." 

"I know. I know I did and I cannot even begin to describe how much I regret it Draco. I'm so fucking sorry. I was conflicted. It was all happening so fast, this whole...being gay thing. I was still trying to figure myself out and I shouldn't have dragged you into all of this mess. I know you have enough things to sort out and you don't need to be burdened with my own problems. But I'm sure of myself now, I'm sure of us now. I promise you I will never hurt you again." 

So he was confused? But now he wasn't? Now I'M confused. I mean everything seems to be somewhat back to normal now, but I still felt uneasy about him coming back to me so quickly. 

"How can you be so sure that you won't get confused all over again?" I asked a bit coldly.  

"Because I just know Draco" he replied. "Being with you feels so right for once. It just took me too long to realize that. I need you, and I know you need me too. And I know I hurt you and I'll never forgive myself for that, but please give me another chance. I'm begging you." And he quite literally was begging me. 

"Give me one good reason why I should trust you." 

"Because I'm fucking in love with you Draco!" 

In love? He was in love with me? Someone actually loved me? In that moment, the last day and a half seemed to fade away. The only thought that I could process was that someone amazing was in love with me. I had never felt this way before. As soon as the words left his mouth, I knew that I was in love with him too. And yes, I have loved him for a long while now, but I hadn't realized how strong my feelings for him were until that moment. I could see it in his eyes that he truly cared. I knew I couldn't live with myself if I didn't forgive him. Everyone makes mistakes. His just happened to occur at the wrong time. It may take a bit for him to fully regain my trust, but I knew that in time I would be ready to give it to him. 

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