Chapter Four

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I felt some sort of weight come off my shoulders after having admitting my feelings for Potter to Pansy. I mean, I pretty much simultaneously told her that I was gay and for the most part, I guess she is totally fine with that. The next morning I woke up feeling lighter. It was Saturday so we had the day off from classes. I decided I wasn't quite ready to change out of my pajamas so I strolled down to the common room in my dark green silk button up shirt and matching pants. Yes, I know it sounds very ridiculous and they certainly were not cheap, but Merlin's beard they were comfortable. It was quite early in the morning and I didn't expect anyone to be up yet, but of course Potter of all people was. 

"Morning, Scarface," I greet, sitting down next to him on the couch in the center of the room. 

"Ferret," Harry replied. He seemed to be concentrated on a book that was placed on his lap. 

"What are you reading?" I asked curiously. 

"Oh, just trying to brush up on a couple potions things. You of all people know I could use the extra practice". He looked up from the book, looking slightly frustrated. 

"You said it, not me," I raised my hands up in surrender and he chuckled. 

"Yah, says the master of brewing over here" he smirked. I really love how playful his bantering with me was now. It really warmed my heart. 

"What can I say, it's a gift". 

"Don't get too cocky Malfoy". This time we both chuckled before a small silence settled in. And in that silence, I decided to get brave. I mean, if he is having trouble with potions, and I am really good at potions, then maybe, just maybe, I cold use that towards my benefit. Just then, I came up with the perfect plan that would allow me to have alone time with Potter in a totally non-creepy way. That is, if he agreed to it. 

"You know Potter...if you really are having that much trouble with potions, I mean I guess...I mean...oh I don't know...". Well there goes that bravery. 

"You can do what Malfoy?"

"I mean, maybe I could help you out a little bit. You know, like tutor you. Only if you want I mean you do not have to agree, it was just a suggest-"

"Malfoy, that would be brilliant! I would love to get some help from the potions expert of the century". And then he did that thing again. Where he puts his hand on my shoulder and gently shoves it, but then takes a second to remove it. And that tingly feeling shot up my arm, and I swear to Salzar I was probably blushing. Overall, I was just happy he had agreed though. 

"Well, great! When do you want to start"?

"Let's about Monday after classes? A bit before Quidditch practice"?

"That sounds excellent! I will meet you in Slughorns room after last period". 

"Alright, it's a date". Now that really sets off the blush in my face and upon seeing this, he quickly adds "I mean, um, like...session! Yah it's a...session...." My face fell little but I tried not to show my disappointment too much. 

"Don't worry Potter, I understand" I smiled politely. "I'm going to get changed before breakfast starts so...I guess I will see you around". I stood up off the couch and Potter opened his book once again. 

"See you around Malfoy" he said before turning back to his book. I headed up the stairs and immediately started to think of things that I could teach Harry about potions. 

Well I guess I could start off with my basic tips and tricks, I thought to myself. And then move on to some more advanced things, like healing potions, which he seems to be having trouble with. I need to come up with a study plan, figure out how his mind works. I already knew that this whole tutoring thing was going to be a great way to occupy the entirety of my mind and distract myself from the more terrible parts of my life. And this was quite an appealing distraction if you ask me. 

Just as I was about to get in the shower, an owl appeared at my window. This was odd...I rarely ever received mail of any kind, not even from my parents. Cautiously, I walked over the window, grabbed the letter and handed the owl a small treat. He accepted and proceeded to fly away. 

I sat down on my bed and examined the letter. It simply said 'For Draco' on the cover, not indicating where it was from. I looked on the back and noticed a green wax stamp sealing the letter with an 'M' printed in the center. So it was probably from my mother....

I tore open the letter, eager to see what was going on. My family only ever sent mail if something serious had happened, otherwise I'm often left completely alone here at Hogwarts. Immediately, I grew anxious. 

Dear Draco, 

I'm sorry that I am not with you to tell you this information myself. It's really quite difficult to write down on paper. I didn't want you to find out from the Prophet or someone else at Hogwarts. It is my duty as your mother to tell you these things myself. 

There is no easier way to say this then to just tell you as it is. Draco, your father died in Azkaban last night. The dementors kiss had a rare effect on his brain that no magic could fix. Not that they would try to fix it in Azkaban as it was. The spell was so powerful that his entire brain ultimately shut down. There was no way to save him. 

I know that you and your father have not had the greatest of  relationships, but I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive him. He really did love you Draco. He may not have told you himself, but I cold see it in his eyes that he was immensely proud of you. Neither one of us could have asked for a better son. 

I hope that you have been trying to enjoy your time at Hogwarts. I know it was hard convincing you to return, but I know that is what's best for you. I hope to see you over your next break. 

With love, 

Your Mother 

I could't control the tears that suddenly began to stream down my face. I know he had done some terrible things, but I never hated my father. Sure, he did't give me the most praise, or encouragement, or traditional fatherly love, but he was my father. I still loved him deep down. 

That overwhelming feeling of unhappiness began to flood my insides again and there was no way to stop it. I sat on my bed for lord knows how long, sobbing until my tear supply had seemed to run dry. The pain in my chest was growing stronger and stronger by the minutes and before I could stop myself, I was in the bathroom pulling out the razor blade that I had hidden under the sink. I sat down on the ground and began to slice at the Dark Mark. 

You know, my father was the one responsible for this. He allowed Voldemort to take me under his control. He did't even try to stop him. That feeling of sadness suddenly turned to anger. The cuts on my arm were getting deeper and deeper until I suddenly began to feel faint. I put dow the blade and walked over to the sink, cleaning out the open wounds. A little hand magic sealed them up, still leaving a nasty scar, but nothing worse than the hundreds of surrounding ones. 

I suddenly did not feel like getting dressed or showering and solemnly crawled back into bed. My head was whirling, and I had lost quite a bit of blood. Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep once again. 

Who knew that such an incredible start to the day could take such a horrible turn. 


I hope that you enjoyed the update! I know the end was a little graphic, but it's all part of the story. Hopefully Draco will cheer up with his tutoring sessions with Harry...but you never know. Stay tuned for more and Sianara! 

- Ronny 

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