Chapter Nineteen

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(IMPORTANT NOTE: For the sake of the story, please pretend that the deleted scene actually happened. You'll know what I mean when you get there)


Tomorrow was the day of the trial. 

Now I know I had a fairly good chance of winning, but I couldn't help but be nervous as hell. Not many of the Death Eaters have had much luck in avoiding Azkaban, example A being my late father. But I was glad that I had a good team of people to support me. Even if it was nerve wracking. 

My friends and I were seated in the Great Hall eating dinner as I pondered over what would occur tomorrow.

"What's on your mind, love?" Harry asked, nudging my shoulder lightly. 

"What do you think is on my mind?" I grumbled before slamming my head onto the table and groaning. Harry sighed and began to rub small circles on my tense back. 

"Draco, you know you're going to win the trial. Did you hear anything McGonagal said at the meeting two hours ago? We have a train full of evidence to support your innocence," Pansy interjected. 

"She's right," said Hermione, who was seated next to her. "Draco, you were forced into the position against your will. And you're a minor. They could never throw you in Azkaban. I'd say the most you would have to do is pay some sort of fine, but that's even if they do manage to find you somewhat guilty which, again, I doubt will happen." I could only groan in response. 

"They're right Draco," said Ron. You've got most of the Wizengamot on your side already. It's just a few old hags that want to put you on trial again. So stop your bloody groaning and man up!" 

"Guys, you don't understand," I said, lifting my head up. "My father died in Azkaban. They literally destroy you there. And I know there isn't a lot of evidence pointing to me being guilty, but I can't help but be worried. I've witnessed terrible things without contacting the authorities. And I have the Dark Mark. You never know what's going to happen." 

"We know that Draco," Harry comforted. "But we're just trying to give you some positivity. None of us want you to go to Azkaban, trust me, but if we don't have confidence in winning the trial, then we'll have less of a chance of winning at all. Juts try to put it out of your mind for now and focus on being with your friends." He kissed the top of my head and smiled softly. See, this is why I love this boy. 

"You're right," I agreed. "Nothing good will come out of being worried." Everyone nodded in agreement.

And for the rest of dinner, I tried as hard as I could to put the trial out of mind. It was tough of course, but at least I had a crowd of people that I cared abut to distract me. 


To say I was a bit nervous at the trial would be a vast, vast understatement. 

The room was completely packed. And full of wizards that I knew, some of which strongly disliked me. There were families of wizards who were killed during the war, and people who fought on the front lines against Death Eaters, and even some of the old Manor house elves (who were newly freed and most certainly despised me). I broke out in a cold sweat upon seeing so many undesirable faces. Harry must have noticed my nervousness and placed his hand on the small of my back as we walked further into the room, rubbing small soothing circles. I think that's kind of his go-to thing whenever I'm tense. And trust me, it works wonders. 

"You'll be fine, baby. I have faith in this, it has to go your way." I could only gulp in response. 

Soon, we were all seated at the center of the room, facing the Wizengamot which was looking as terrifying as ever. The Minister of Magic, who had taken over as the head of the organization since Dumbledore's death, banged his gavel on the stand and the room fell completely silent.  

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