Chapter Nine

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I immediately pulled my hand away from him and avoided eye contact as much as possible. How could I have been so stupid? He's going to think I'm some sort of depressed freak. I mean that's not entirely wrong, but it's not very helpful for my budding love life. 

"Draco please tell me what's going on." His voice cracked at the end of his sentence. I briefly looked over at him and noticed tears beginning to form in his eyes. 

"It's, ah, it's nothing really". 

"Nothing?! Draco you've been hurting yourself! Clearly something is wrong!" 

"Why do you even care?" I whispered. 

"Because obviously, I care about you, as I have just said. So I want to help you," he said, inching just a little bit closer and reaching out for my wrist once again. I let him take it, still trying to avoid eye contact. A moment later, I felt him press his lips onto my skin, ever so lightly. My face heated up, and I smiled just slightly. I finally looked up and noticed his smoldering, green eyes staring at me intently, his mouth turned up in a small smile. 

"I'm trying to be there for you Draco" he said quietly. 

"I know you are. And I really do appreciate it. It's's been so hard these last couple of months. I can't just stop automatically". 

"I don't care how long it takes. I'm going to be here every step of the way". 

"That is until you get sick of me" I added with a small smirk. 

"Oh I doubt that will happen any time soon" he shot back whilst rolling his eyes. I chuckled and threw my arm around his shoulders, placing a light kiss on the top of his head. I don't know what came over me, but I somehow felt like I could do that now. His hair smelled faintly like green apples with just a hint of flowers in the background. It was pleasant. 

We sat like that on the couch for a couple of minutes, just silently enjoying each others company. I had never been like this with another person. Having them curl up into my side like a little kitten while I gently massaged their shoulder. I never in a thousand years would have thought that small kitten would be Potter. But clearly things have changed. 

And changed for the better I liked to hope. 


I went to bed that night feeling refreshed I finally had someone who truly cared about me. I mean sure, Pansy had always been there for me and she was still my best friend. But no one had ever been...interested  in me so to speak. I never thought anyone could have romantic feelings for me. Let's face it, I'm a bit of a prick. But it was comforting knowing I was capable of being somewhat loved. Even if Harry and I hadn't made anything official yet. Hell we haven't even kissed for Salazar's sake! 

I don't think I will ever be prepared for that. 

I slept peacefully for the first time days, no nightmares or flashbacks or anything to disturb my slumber. I woke up easily as well with a small smile on my face. After getting dressed and ready to face the day, I noticed that it was still quite early, so I went down to the common room to wait for Pansy. 

There were two small chairs in front of the window overlooking the vast fields outside of Hogwarts. I sat down in the one on the left and looked outside. It was still a bit dark, but the sun was just peeking up over the horizon. Merlin, I really did wake up early. 

The sun began to rise faster and faster, bleeding it's vibrant colors over the world. It was honestly a gorgeous sight. I smiled to myself as the scene became brighter and brighter. 

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