Chapter Seventeen

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At some point during mine and Harry's makeout session, we both managed to fall asleep. His body was curled under my arms as I leaned on the arm of the couch with my feet up. It was peaceful and serene and lovely until Pansy came rumbling into the room to wake us. 

"OK CHILDREN rise and shine, it's an hour before dinner and you'll never sleep tonight if you keep snoozing now." Killjoy. 

Harry groaned and rolled out of my hold, but not before pressing a chaste kiss to my lips. Don't judge for how much we kiss, it's I moved out of my position on the couch and stretched my sore limbs. The couch was just a hair too small for the both of and as much as I loved cuddling (a newfound revelation), it was quite cramped. 

Once we had both cracked ourselves back into place Harry began walked up the stairs towards his dorm. 

"I'll see you both at dinner. I need to finish this nap." 

"Don't come crying to me if you're up the rest of the night!" Pansy called after him. Harry only grunted in response and slumped down the hallway to is room. 

"Wonderful. Now that your muskrat is out of the way, we can actually hang out. Did you even remember that you had a best friend Malfoy?" Pansy asked sarcastically. 

"I know, I know Pans. I guess you can say I've been a little caught up in Harry lately." 

"A LITTLE? Draco you two hang off of each other. And although it is a bit sickening, you're both very cute together. But now, I want some time with you. So come on, let's go for a walk." 

Pansy grabbed my arm, dragged me off of the couch and began running full speed through the castle. I had absolutely no idea what she had in mind, but if she kept pulling me this hard I was sure my arm was going to fall off. 

"PANSY, can you loosen your grip just a hair, you mad woman?" 

"No, we have to hurry up. Now come on keep running!" 

After an eternity of sprinting down halls and dashing around twists and turns we finally made it to her destination, albeit out of breath. Well I was out of breath at least. Running isn't exactly my thing. 

"Now where th-" and that was when I realized where we were. Outside on the cliffs over looking the valley, near the path to Hagrid's hut. This was where me, Pans, Goyle and Crabbe used to come to hang out when we were children. And it looked absolutely gorgeous now. The sun was just beginning to set and sky was becoming a beautiful blend of pinks and oranges and yellows. Pansy and I sat down in the grass side by side, her head leaning against my shoulder. 

"Makes you miss when we were just kids, doesn't it?" she asked quietly. 

"Without a single care in the world." I said with a chuckle. So much has changed since then. 

"You remember that time you, me, and Goyle were playing Exploding Snaps up here and Goyle tripped on a rock and rolled halfway down the hill?" 

"Of course, who could possibly forget that? The poor boy was screeching like a pixie the whole way down. And you and I were laughing too hard to try and help him. Oh and then there was that time Granger punched me square in the nose over by that rock" I said pointing to the boulder where our little brawl had occurred five years ago. 

"I remember that. Boy, she's sure changed a lot since then" Pansy said trailing off at the end of her sentence, a thoughtful look appearing on her features. 

"Everything alright, Pans?" She snapped out of her thoughts. 

"What? Oh yes everything is fine with me haha. No need to worry, it's all good" she rambled. But I wasn't at all convinced. 

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