Chapter Fifteen

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It was about a week after I had gotten out of the infirmary when a thought occurred to me. 

Harry and I hadn't officially come out yet.  

I mean sure, we had only been truly dating for around two or so weeks, but practically no one in the school knew about it except for our friends. We hardly saw each other during the day, and when we did, we often just casually nudged up against each other or waved from across the hall. We didn't even hold hands all that much in public. 

I happened to have this revelation in the common room whilst Harry was laying his head on my lap 'studying his Potions notes' while I combed through his shaggy locks with my fingers. 

"You look quite deep in thought love," I heard him say. It snapped me out of my daze and I looked down at him, noticing that he had been peering up at me. 

"Hm. You know, just thinking about things..." He sat up looking slightly concerned. 

"What do you mean by...things?" I instantly knew what he was talking about. 

"NO no not bad things I promise." He visibly relaxed and laid down on my lap once again. "Honestly, I was thinking about how we hadn't officially come out yet. You know, like as a couple." 

"Well what do you want me to do, hold a giant sign above my head that says 'I'm in love with Draco Malfoy'?" he asked sarcastically. 

"I wouldn't mind that." He chuckled and playfully smacked me in the stomach. 

"'Course you wouldn't, vain bastard." 

"But really though, shouldn't we at least let people know? I don't want any prats thinking you're a single man" I said, leaning down and pecking him softy on the forehead. 

"I me I don't want anyone trying to get into your pants either. But I mean...ok the thing is...look I haven't officially come out of the closet yet." This sparked my interest. 

"You haven't? Then why do people think you and Ginny broke up?" 

"They mainly just think we had a falling out. I made her promise not to tell anyone, 'cause I was still kind of hesitant at the time for everyone to know. And then you came along and made things a little bit clearer," he said with a smile, which of coursed caused me to smile and blush as well. 

"Do you think you're ready to come out now?" 

"Oh certainly. I just don't exactly know how to. It's a bit odd to just walk up to someone and go, 'Hey, hows your day going? By the way, I'm a homosexual, see you later'." 

"Well you don't have to make it that awkward." 

"I know, I know. Then what else am I supposed to do?" 

I thought about this. Coming out was quite a strange thing if you think about it. I remember when I finally did (around the end of fifth year), I really only told Pansy and my mother. The some Slytherin pest, maybe a year or two younger than me, started flirting with me and I finally had to out myself to her to get her off my back. Then she told all of her friends, and they told all of their friends, and within a day and a half the whole school knew I swung for the other team. 

And then I had yet another revelation. 

"Let me think...OOH. I have the perfect plan. Although it would draw quite a bit of attention to us...." 

 "If anyone is used to attention, it's certainly me," Harry replied with a smug grin, to which I slapped him lightly on the side of the head, and he chuckled as he always does. 

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