Chapter Three

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I woke up in the morning feeling groggy, but better than I normally have. My encounter the previous evening with Potter seemed to have added a spring to my step. Don't blame me for being a hopeless romantic. He's Harry Potter, no one can resist that. 

I rolled out of bed and made my way to the bathroom in my now single bedroom. It seemed as though some pixies had infested my hair this morning, considering it looked like the blonde equivalent of a tornado. I got in the shower and scrubbed my rats nest along with the rest of my body. After getting out of the shower, I proceeded to dry my now slightly tamed hair and threw on my White collared shirt and some black trousers. I fixed my hair in the mirror, still going for a slightly more natural look (no more product for me) and put on the rest of my robes. Once I was done changing and gathering my books, Pansy had arrived at my door. 

"Ready to face the day?" she asked with a sarcastic tone. Oh yes, classes. Way to bring down my slightly happier mood. 

"Ready as I'll even be" i replied solemnly. At least Potter will be there. 

Pansy and I made our way down to the dining room for breakfast. As I have done routinely since our arrival here, I snuck a glance over at the Gryffindor table and noticed that Harry was not there. Hm. Must have woken up late. Typical Potter....My goodness, I don't believe I've ever been this obsessed with anyone in my entire life. And it was getting worse now that I was constantly around him. It was quite...creepy. 

After eating and living with the fact that Potter was not going to show up, Pansy and I parted ways and I headed to one of my favorite classes: potions. I hope to be a potions brewer once I get out of Hogwarts. Although considering my past, I would be lucky to find a job at all. 

I arrived at potions about five minutes before it started and laid out all of my supplies in front of my cauldron. A few people were already there, including Granger. She really was not all the bad now that I think about it. Sure, she's an annoying little bitch sometimes, but she is quite intelligent. That cannot be ignored. Much like me in many cases. Maybe I'll make a small, very minuscule effort to be nice to at least her if I ever want to get anywhere in my relationship with Potter. 

Speak of the devil, a few minutes after potions started, the black haired git flew into the potions classroom with part of his shirt unbuttoned, tie crooked, hair all over the place, and a beat red face, probably from running to get here. It overall was quite a pleasing sight if I do say so myself. 

"Sorry I'm late, Professor Slughorn. I uh, I overslept" he said scratching the back of his neck. 

"Oh it's no trouble at all Harry. It's only the first day. Here, why don't you go have a seat next to...ah let's see, over there by Draco". I immediately stopped everything I was doing and tried not to act too excited. Luckily I'm good at masking my emotions, so I picked up my utensils once again and smiled to myself down at my cauldron. 

"Alright then". And soon, he was sat in front of the cauldron opposite mine. He looked up and shot me a small smile before digging around in his potions set to find his materials. 

"Mind catching me up? You may be a git but you're a potions whizz" he said with a smirk. 

"I guess I could spare a few minutes for the 'Golden Boy'" I replied just as sarcastically and made my way over to him. 

"So today we're brewing a healing potion". I went on to explain all the different parts, which Harry didn't seem like he was paying a lick of attention to, but nodded along politely. Once I was done with my lecture, he was silent for a moment before speaking. 

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