Chapter Six

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I would be lying if I didn't say Draco Malfoy was one of the most gorgeous men I have ever laid eyes on. 

I mean I haven't always felt this way. In fact, I thought he was a right git for the first three or so years that I knew him. What with the constant name calling, and the arrogance, and that greasy, slicked back, platinum blonde hair. 

But then, fourth year just happened to roll around. And puberty hit the boy like a flying truck. 

Sure, he was still a nuisance. But I simply could not stop thinking about him. He started wearing his hair more naturally that year, and his face grew more angular, his chin coming to a lovely point and his  nose sharp enough to poke your eye out. I was instantaneously hooked. Not that anyone knew of course. 

My secret was nearly revealed in sixth year, when I blatantly stalked his every move around Hogwarts. Yes, I did suspect that he was up to something. but there was a slight ulterior motive behind my incessant searching. Ron and Hermione began questioning me, and that was when I knew that I had to tone it down. 

And then he came back this year, and look where we are now. 

I have finally decided to stop holding myself back and just let something happen, anything really. Even if he doesn't become my boyfriend and we hitch a ride on a griffin off into he sunset after a luxurious wedding in the forest and adopt little wizard children and have a beautiful life together.

That's pushing it, I know. 

The point is, I am sick and tired of pretending to hate a boy that I clearly have feelings for. And I know he has changed, obviously starting with the fact that we have become friends by some one in a million chance this year. I doubt anything will come of it though, he's probably not even gay. Well, I mean that could be a lie, he has his moments. But even if he was gay I wouldn't think he would go for such a scraggly heathen as myself. At least we are making progress though. 

But along with this new friendship, new suspicions have arisen among my own friend group. Ron and Hermione have been giving me strange looks all week, especially when I invite Draco and Pansy to sit with us at various points in the day. They do know that I am gay, I told them around the end of fifth year. But up until now, the Draco thing has been kept a secret. Or so I thought. 

"Harry, we need to talk," Hermione began once Draco and Pansy had left, much to my dismay. 

"About what?" 

"About that fact that that you've gone and befriend that slimy git, thats what!" Ron yelled quite loudly, earning him a slap upside the head from Hermione. 

"MANORS" she scolded, and he rolled his eyes, continuing to devour the plate of cookies in front of him. 

"He's right though Harry, you have been spending an awful lot of time with him. I mean sure he's changed, but for Merlin's sake he was your enemy for seven years! Why the sudden change of heart?" Hermione questioned. It when then that I started to get nervous. 

"Well...I mean...I just thought we should let bygones be bygones...?"

"Letting bygones be bygones is shaking hands and stopping the continuous feuding between the two of you, not sharing meals together on the regular," Ron piped up once again. 

"Harry, what's really going on?" Hermione asked sincerely. Well I guess it's now or never. 

"Uhm...I guess, ah...alright fine you want the truth?" They both nodded and leaned forward just slightly. 

"Look...I've never told you this before but it's time you knew, I guess...,". And I paused once again. 

"Well go on Harry, spit it out," Ron coaxed. 

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