Chapter Five

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I don't quite know how long I was out, but sometime later, I felt a tapping on my shoulder. My eyes wrenched themselves open, still heavy from my dreadful slumber, and landed on none other than Pansy. 

"Draco, you need to wake up. It's almost three in the afternoon". Merlin, I've wasted the day! Oh well, one deserves a break sometimes. 

"Ok, ok I'm getting up," I mumbled groggily before throwing my blanket off of my torso. Big mistake. 

One of my wounds must have opened while I was asleep. Blood stained both my shirt and the ivory colored sheets adorning my bed. As soon as Pansy caught sight of the mess she shrieked and grabbed my wrist. 

"Pansy, stop it's nothi-". But it was too late. She had already rolled up my sleeve to reveal the jagged red marks littered all over my forearm. 

"Again Draco?!" she yelled with tears in her eyes. You see, Pansy has known about my little "problem" for quite some time now. About the second or third time, I had cut a bit too deep and passed out on the floor of my bathroom while Pansy was staying at the Manor one weekend. She went completely ballistic and tried to check me into a mental institution, which I whole heartedly refused. After some time, she gave up on that dream, but still yells at me every time she finds a new scar. 

"What, it's not like I'm dead or anything..." I whisper and avoid her gaze. 

"Draco this is becoming a serious problem. Now I know you don't want to hear it but I really think you should try to find some help-"

"Enough Pansy!" I yell much too loudly. But she knows I don't mean it. Her gaze softens and she lets go of my arm. It's not that I don't want to get better, I do. I'm just...too stubborn to let someone else do it for me. If I'm going to improve, I'm going to do it by myself. 

"Well, could you at least fill me in on what triggered it this time?" she asks in a quiet voice. I tell her everything about the letter and my father's death, luckily avoiding any tears. Pansy stays quiet and at the end of my speech, she lightly puts her arm around my shoulders and gives them a friendly squeeze. She's never been the best at comforting anyone, but the gesture is nice. 

"I'm so sorry Draco," she whispers. 

"Not your fault." I reply half heartedly. And it really isn't. Yes, I was still heartbroken at the loss of my father, but then again, we never had the greatest relationship. There was still a hollow feeling in my chest, but nothing too terrible to endure. We sit in silence for a few moments before she stands up. 

"Ok, enough sulking. I know this is a hard time, but we can't let the love of your life see you too upset". 

"What are you talking about?" 

"Harry of course. He and his odd little friends are in the Great Hall for tea and you obviously have to make an appearance" she sasses. Well, that picks up my mood a little bit. I give her a small smile and head towards the bathroom to clean myself up. 

"Not so fast" she calls. I turn towards her with a questioning face. She holds out her hand with a knowing look and I roll my eyes, stalking into the bathroom. I pick up the blade and place it in the palm of her hand. She nods and then leaves my room. 

I'm a fucking wizard, Pansy, I could pull a blade out of my own arse if I wanted to. 

But I know she only does it because she cares, which is something I need right now. Someone to care. After she leaves, I strip down out of my soiled clothes and step into the shower. The water stings my cuts, but it's oddly comforting, as always. A few minutes later, I'm fully clothed in my newly cleaned trousers and Slytherin sweater, and my hair has been gelled back to normal. I take one last look in the mirror, and then decide to change it up a little bit. I run my fingers through my hair, messing it up just slightly, and then leave my room to catch up with Pansy. 

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