Chapter Sixteen

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For once in my life, things seemed to be making a turn for the better. My meetings with Simon had been making a large improvement on my life, my terrible thoughts had begun to wash away, and I hadn't done anything stupid or detrimental to myself in weeks. 

And mine and Harry's relationship could not be any better. 

We were finally on a truly upward slope. And quite honestly, although he may be a heathen, Harry was actually a fantastic boyfriend. Although, never the less, cheesy beyond belief. Some mornings when he wakes up before me, he'll slip envelopes under my door with sweet little notes inside. 

"Good morning my love, I hope you've had a wonderful beauty sleep! 

"Hey there you devilish prat...just kidding I love you."

"It's lonely in the common room without you baby...come down as soon as you arise from the dead! 

Not only this, but he as also become much more affectionate in public. Not to an uncomfortable level, but enough to show people that I'm his territory. Of course, I have had to do the exact same with him. Nothing more than a little peck in passing, or a shoulder bump with a smile, but it gets the point across. 

Although we have both been swamped with coursework, we've still managed to go on a couple of dates. Just last week, Harry snuck into the boathouse and stole one of the canoes used for transporting students from the train to the castle, and we had a lovely picnic on the water. This one consisting of real foods (much to his dismay), along with Harry's cavity-ridden treats. 

"Draco, who brings grilled chicken and cooked spinach on a date?!" 

"Harry, you need to learn how to eat like a grown man, you can't just live off of candy!" 

"Oh come on, I don't just eat can-", but he was cut off when I shoved a chicken and spinach sandwich into his uncultured mouth. 

We even went flying together in the Quidditch pitch one evening after dinner. It was just like the old times, when we used to seek right beside one another. Each one loathing the other. Completely unaware that one day, we would be so deeply in love that it caused physical pain in our chests (the good kind of course). 

But if all of that isn't the bets part about dating The Golden Boy, then this certainly is. 

Kissing Harry Potter was like falling off the end of the earth. 

I know that sounds a bit extreme, but there is honestly no better way to describe it. No matter if it was just a small peck on the cheek, or a heated Frenching session, every time I kissed Harry Potter, it was like I could feel my magic coursing through my veins and rising to the surface of my skin. It wasn't like I was on fire, no, more like glowing and radiating this light of pure joy and love and lust and everything in between. And he seemed to glow too. I could feel his skin get warm and tingly under my touch. At least I had the same effect on him as he did on me. 

In fact, I was just in the middle of one of these magical make out sessions with Harry when McGonagall so rudely interrupted us. 

"Draco? Are you- BOYS. This type of behavior is not permitted on Hogwarts grounds!." 

I immediately jumped out of Harry's arms, embarrassed beyond belief. But of course, Harry being Harry only had a small smirk on his face as he chucked quietly at my actions. I grunted and turned towards our head master. 

"So sorry Professor McGonagall. What was it you wanted to tell us?" I asked sheepishly. 

"Well. Now that your little episode has ended, I actually have some very important information for both of you." Oh, Merlin if this involves more fighting and conflict I'm going to burry myself in a hole. 

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