Where were you? (M)

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Taylors POV

It was 8pm and Travis wasn't home yet. I was starting to get worried, what if he is dead in a ditch somewhere?

I decided to take a warm shower to get my mind off of Travis. He's definitely just stuck somewhere in New York traffic.

I finished rinsing all the soap out of my hair when I felt a cold chill hit my back. Before I could turn around I felt big hands glide around my waist and soft lips with a scratchy beard kissing trails down my neck. I immediately lay my hands on top of his, kinda like a natural instinct.

We stayed like this for a few minutes. His hands roaming my torso with me leaving soft moans every once in a while. I put my hand on his cheek as a silent gesture to tell him that I'm getting impatient.
Of corse he picks up what I'm telling him, Why wouldn't he? He's the one person in my life that can understand what I want before I even know it.

His left hand glides down my body and slowly massages my clit. I let out a slow gasp at the sudden pleasure. He continues kissing my neck and rubbing my clit. I turn my face to the side and give him a kiss on the lips. It didn't last long as he slid his ring and pointer finger into me slowly. My mouth hangs open against his as he slowly pushes his fingers into me deeper and deeper. Oh gosh. I close my eyes tightly so I don't come right this second.

Travis connects his mouth with mine again and this Passionate kiss lingers as he begins to finger me faster. And faster. I take my hand and tightly grip his forearm in a focus. For the first time today I hear his voice "Come for me, baby." Oh gosh that's it right there. All I needed was his deep sexy voice and I feel myself tighten around his fingers and let out a high pitched moan as I come around his fingers.

Eventually he pulls his fingers out of me and I spin around. I scan his body from bottom to top, by the time I reach his eyes I about explode with lust. I love this big guy so much. Wait. What?! LOVE? I've only known this man for 2 months there's no way I'm in love?..Right? None of that matters right now. I only need this handsome man inside me.

I tell my brain to put that thought on pause for now as I take a few steps away pressing my back against the black cold tile of the shower. Travis in sync with my movements follows me and quickly pulls me into him kissing me hard. He slides his hands from my waist to my hair and all the way down to my thighs. He reaches his hands around the back of my thighs and swiftly picks me up leaving me softly straddling his waist. He deeply groans at me feeling me pressing against his erection.

I connect our tongues rapidly as he adjusts his hands so one is on my lower back and the other is on my ass holding me up. He steps back with me and turns off the steaming water and exits the shower as I begin kissing down his neck. He grabs a towel and walks over to the counter. He softly sets me down on the marble and stands between my legs. I jump as the sudden coldness. "Sorry baby." He says with a smirk. He leaves his hands resting on the space between my thigh and butt. I tie my ankles around his waist and bring my hand to his face bringing him closer and whisper against his lips "I know a way you can make it up to me.." he immediately crashes his lips onto mine. I kiss him back with as much passion I can muster up in a kiss. I use my other hand to push his chest back lightly and release my hold from his waist. I jump off the counter and take his hand.

Were we both soaking wet? Yes. Did we care we were leaving a river of water everywhere? Absolutely not. That's a problem for tomorrow. The animals might care though... Oh well.

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