Not now mister (M)

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Taylor's POV

I wake up to the annoying sound of Travis's phone alarm going off. He rolls over, untangling us from our position and turns it off before taking me in his arms again.

"Travis, no we have to get up." I say trying to sound as serious as possible when in reality I just wanna stay cuddled up to the big man forever.

"No we don't." He says keeping his eyes closed and his face buried in my neck. I giggle as I rest one of my hands on his face and the other on the back of his neck.

"Baby we have plans with your family for lunch and later tonight we have that Chiefs charity event, and I'm saying I think they'd what their star tight end there." I said trying to be reasonable.

"I think we might be coming down with something, wouldn't want to get other people sick. Solution is to stay here and rest all day long." He states whilst leaving soft kisses on my neck.

"Trav you're too cute but no, we're getting up and getting ready to seize the day!" I say rolling away from him and standing up.

Naturally he starts waking up and following me into the bathroom.

I sit down at my vanity and look at myself trying to decide if I want to shower or not. I look behind me and see Travis making his way over to me but before he can wrap his strong arms around me I say, "Don't you even think about it mister."

He completely ignores my words and says "Have I ever told you how much it turns me on when you call me 'mister'?" I roll my eyes and go to stand up but he grabs me and pulls me toward him.

I try to push his hands down from my waist but he doesn't budge. I let a little laugh out and try to keep playing my thought girl act. "Travis not now." I say walking towards the shower.

I turn the shower on and turn around to look at him. Gosh those eyes. It's taking all my will power to not jump him right here, right now.

I cross my arms and say "you may exit the room now."

"Why don't we shower together, you know save the planet." He says walking to me again taking off his shirt.

"I can't say no to that but we're not doing anything buddy." I say putting my hand on his chest and tilting my head to the side while smiling.

He leans down and gives me a quick peck on the lips and moves his mouth over to my ear and whispers, "are you sure you don't want me, cause I know how much you love it when I eat you out till your legs are shaking.." he trails off at the end and starts taking his pants off.

I'm stood there in shock with the biggest line of blush going across my cheeks and nose, well I mean he's not wrong.. He kneels down and pulls my pants down as I step out of them. He slowly drags his hands up my body and stands up peeling my shirt off. I laugh a little as he walks us back into the shower letting the hot water rush all over us.

We keep it PG and do not have sex no matter how much I want to. It just feels weird doing it then going to see family afterwards. Travis clearly doesn't have that problem considering the time we did it in his mom's guest room.. we're not going to speak of that.
It was his idea and I was desperate!

We get out of the shower and get dressed. I'm wearing a pair of light wash jeans and an off the shoulder black bodysuit. I slip on a pair of black heeled boots and walk back into our bathroom where Travis is brushing his teeth. Travis doesn't see me until I was behind him wrapping my arms around his torso. Now his body is blocking his view of me so he quickly spits the toothpaste in his mouth out and cleans his mouth off before turning around.

Once he turns he looks at me from my eyes all the way down to my shoes and back up. "Wow Tay. I- uhm you look absolutely stunning baby girl. I'm speechless right now." He says giving me a kiss. I laugh at him stumbling over his words and as I unwrap my arms from his waist and move them back up to his neck. I kiss down his neck, "thank you for saying that babe, you look delicious.." I say sucking on his pulse point just enough to leave a mark that will fade within minutes. "Tay oh my gosh, you better stop if you want your clothes to stay on." I smile against his skin and pull my head back, spinning on my heel. Grabbing my phone and bag I tell him I'm going to wait downstairs.

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