Coach Kelce and Ms Swift

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(This is a very very long one so buckle up, a little over 8k words)

Taylors POV

I struggle to open my apartment door, forgetting what key it is. After a couple minutes I finally get in.

I shut the door behind me and flick the lights on. "Oh my gosh! Why do I ever where heels." I groan. It's only me in this apartment, along my 3 cats.

I finally ended things with my boyfriend, Ex-boyfriend. He was never really in it like I was, I wanted marriage and he wanted fun. I never wanted to accept that fact but after he started getting aggressive towards me I knew what I had to do.

I went over to his place and knocked on the door, he didn't answer the first time, I assumed he was with another girl so I just writ a note and taped it to his door. And I haven't heard from him since.

I had moved to NYC about a year ago and haven't met any of my neighbors, New York isn't the type of place where you go and bake your next door neighbor a pie and chat over tea.

The only thing I know about the man who lives next to me is that he loves to party at 3 am. Lucky me.

I take off my jacket and go into my bathroom. I take my hair elastics out and brush through my hair. I walk into the closet, taking off my uncomfortable work clothes, I worked at the local high school as an English teacher. I loved my job so much and the kids made it worth every penny. I always wanted to be the teacher who changed kids life's by just being there for them. It isn't easy but seeing the difference in my kids faces as they walk into my classroom, that, that never got old.

I changed into an old college t-shirt and some scraggly pajama pants. "Hey pretty kittys." I say while walking into my kitchen. "Aren't you baby's just starving!" My cats meowed to me as I talked to them. Such drama queens. I put food in their bowls and walk over to my work bag. I pull out a stack of tests that needed to be graded, i grab hold of the fat stack and brought them over to the living room and set them down on the coffee table. I grabbed my pen and started marking them. I promised the kids to have the tests back by tomorrow and I never broke a promise to them. Kids these days get lied to left and right and even if it's as small as a test score, I know it still meant a lot to them to follow through.

I finally finish grading the last test. All I needed to do is sort them into 6 stacks by class period. All of the tests got a C+ or higher. Giving me a proud teacher moment.

I walk over to my bag and put the tests back in. "Finally get to sleep." I look over at the clock and see it just strike midnight. I go into my bedroom and climb under the covers, I reach over to grab my charger and plug it into my phone. I answer some last minute emails and place my phone down on the my nightstand. I roll over and shut my eyes.

  ———————— The next morning ————————

I wake up to the extremely annoying sound of my alarm. I roll over onto my stomach and grab my phone and click stop. I take a deep breath before getting out of bed and starting my day. I begin with a light breakfast. Some Greek yogurt mixed with strawberries, blueberries, and a handful of granola. I eat my food while watching Greys Anatomy on the tv. I check the time and realize I'm running late. I quickly get up and change into my more casual work clothes and do my hair and makeup.

I grab everything I need. My water bottle, backpack, and tote bag. I rush out the door and start speed walking down the hallway. "You forgot to lock the door." I hear a deep voice behind me. I stop in my tracks, that voice sounds familiar. I turn around and see Coach Kelce. The schools football coach. I smile at him as I do the walk of shame back to my door. "I didn't know you lived in this building." I say while fishing my keys out of my bag. "And I didn't know you were my next door neighbor." He says looking down at me. "Oh so you're the guy who always has people over?" I look up at him for a second. "Didn't know I was being loud. Sorry about that." He apologizes.

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