Polariod (P.2)

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Taylors POV

"Taylor, inhaling all those chemicals can't be good for the baby." Travis says from somewhere behind me as I'm on my hands and knees scrubbing the base boards.

"THERE SO FUCKING DIRTY ITS LIKE WE LIVE IN A PIG STYE!" I turn around and scream at him, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear and continuing to scrub.

"Taylor what's bothering you?" Travis says walking closer to me and placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't fucking touch me." I snap at him and he takes a step back.

"Come find me when you're ready to talk, sweet girl." He says even though I wasn't being very sweet in the moment.

I huff out all the air in my lungs and take a look at the work I've done, comparing them to uncleaned areas. They look the same.

I stand up and grab the things I was using and put them away.

I place my hand on my almost 8 month pregnant belly and waddle off to find my husband.

I walk into his office and see him looking down at his computer typing a response to someone.

"Hey." He says in a gentle voice once he notices me.

"I'm sorry." I say quietly and Travis stands up, shutting his computer.

"I'm just stressed about tomorrow and having everyone over and—" I say and he shuts me up with a kiss.

"Okay." He pulls back to whisper for a second before kissing me again.

The next day I wake up to the warm sun beating on me through the sheer curtains.

I smile and squint my eyes when realizing what woke me up, or who woke me up.

"Trav stop!" I giggle and try to squirm out of his arms.

"Am I not allowed to kiss my girl?" He says continuing to kiss all over my face as he fights to keep me pinned down.

"We gotta get up and decorate the house." I try to argue.

"Already done." He says lying down on top of me and resting his nose in my neck.

"Aw I love you." I say and kiss the top of his short hair.

"Now will you let me help you get ready?" He says lifting his head to meet my eyes and grabbing my hand to hold.

"Come on, pretty girl." He says and hoists me out of bed with him.

I stand up and he picks me up bridal style. Unfortunately he can't hold me my favorite way anymore because my big baby belly gets in the way.

He picks out a cute red bikini for me and helps me into it.

"I need a cover up." I say and he places me on the counter."

He walks off into the closet and asks what one I want.

"Umm the blue and white striped skirt, it should be in the 3rd drawer." I shout loud enough for him to hear me.

He comes back in and pulls it over my legs and up my hips.

"Stunning." He says grabbing my face and kissing my nose.

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