Hurry! (M)

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Taylors POV

My driver alerted me we have arrived at my home. Not that I hadn't noticed. I had just gotten back from an event and so many song ideas were coming to me, so I left a little earlier than I probably should have.

I quickly collect my things, toss my coat over my forearm and open the car door.

I dart inside. I fiddle with the keys and bust in and shut the door, I kick off my shoes and drop my bag and jacket on the sideboard. I empty my pockets and begin to pull my hair back into a messy bun. I look over the couch and see Travis sitting there looking at me like I just killed someone. I laughed a little at his expression.

I sprinted over to him, bending over the back of the couch and kiss him on the cheek. Before he can even speak a word to me I dash out of the room into my Music room. I grab my guitar and notebook and begin my creative process of creating new songs. A few minutes later I look up and see Travis standing in the door frame looking down at me on the floor. I smile up at him innocently and out down my pen and notebook and stand up to walk over to him.

"I'm sorry baby, I had such a good song ideas and I didn't want to lose them." I say giggling and wrapping my arms around his waist. I turn my head to the side and lay my head down on his chest.

"First of all, welcome home. And I was gonna come ask you what you wanted for dinner but I don't wanna ruin your flow." He said hugging me back.

"Well the baby is feeling pasta today.." Oh, did I forget to mention I'm 5 months pregnant? Whoops.

He laughs and says "I'll go down to the store and get some stuff to make the best pasta she's ever had" "Oh so you think it's a girl?" We decided not to find out the gender till birth, Travis is so set on it being a girl and I think he's right but he doesn't need to know that.

He chuckles and leaves the room. I sit back down and continue writing a few lyrics down. I play some notes on the guitar before switching over to the piano. I finish up after I've let all my ideas get out to work, I send a few voice notes to Jack before I head off to my bathroom.

I turn on the shower and take off my clothes and smile down at my little baby bump that's starting to get visibly bigger each week, I hop in the shower just kinda stand there and feel the warm water brush over my body. I only noticed I was in here for a while when I hear the bathroom door open and I peak my head around the glass door and see Trav smiling at me. I already know what he's about to do, so I step over so he can see my full body and reach over to put a pump of body wash on my hands I suds it up and start to wash myself. He stands frozen for a few moments letting his gaze follow my soapy hands. He then quickly undresses himself and steps into the shower. I step back and let the water rush over me.

"Well you look delicious, honey" he says and I giggle, Speaking of honey that sounds amazing right now.. a bagel with honey on it, with a side of hmm.. KIWIS. Yes. That's a thought for tomorrow.

As soon as I come back to reality I see Travis with a full hand of shampoo and he turns me around and steps right behind me leaning myself against him. As he slowly massages the shampoo into my hair I let my eyes drift shut taking in the moment, the moment of just me and my lover. Soon enough there's going to be 3 of us and less time for sweet things like this, all our attention is going to have to be on the baby. I know we can do this, I know we can raise a kid without it effecting our relationship but... I know it will affect our sex life. All I'm saying is that we should be having a shit ton of sex now to make up for the time we're gonna lose. It's a win win situation. Right?!

He rinses my hair out and we steal a few kisses before getting out and wrapping ourselves in warm towels, we stumble into the bedroom with many giggles and eventually get dressed into a comfortable outfit, I'm wearing navy blue sweatpants and a cropped take top my bump is clearly showing and I think it looks so good and sexy. I decided to be fancy and braid my hair. Travis is wearing matching sweatpants with me and he asked me while I was braiding my hair.

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