Dirty texts

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Travis's POV

Today is March 31st aka Easter Day, we are having a joint family event with the Kelce-Swifts. Taylor is wearing a beautiful pale yellow dress that she looks magical in. I'm blessed everyday to even know this woman.

I'm wearing beige pants with a white button up shirt.  Taylor picked it out for me, we took a picture together before we left and as we were driving I noticed that she set it to be her wallpaper. I think it's the smallest things she does that shows how much she cares.

We arrive at the event area which is half indoor and half outdoor.

We ended up on two different sides of the room, I was talking to her parents and she was talking to mine.

"Travis I know she looks lovely but you have to stop staring at her." Andrea said and we both laughed. Ed had wondered off a minute ago. I really couldn't take my eyes off of her. She was so effortlessly beautiful, from her golden curly hair to her freshly painted toes.

Andrea gets busy with someone else and I take my chance to flee the scene. I go to the restroom and splash some cold water on my face, it's hot as hell in this place.

I go back out and look around for Taylor. I see her talking to some of our friends when an idea pops into my head. I pull out my phone and go to our messages.

I type out something I know will make her squirm. The dirtiest thing I can think of.

I hit send and place my phone back in my pocket and wait for Taylor's reaction.

I see her get her phone out of her pocket and while she's unlocking it I hear her telling all the girls how her dress is so cool because it has pockets.

She quickly stops laughing and looks around the room before her eyes land on me. Standing 30 feet away from me, I can see the blush spread across her sun kissed face.

She playfully rolls her eyes and places her phone back where it was. I did notice she crossed her legs while standing, that's all I needed to start making my way over to her.

I greet the group that was there and settle over my Taylor. I stand kinda behind her but also to the side of her. I keep one hand placed on her hip, keeping her close and the other is intertwined with her small, soft hand.

The group gets into a slightly heated debate about something stupid and Taylor tilts her head up to face mine. I smile down at her, admiring her features.

"You would never do that to me." She says referring to my text.

My smiles twists into a devilish grin as I look around the room and respond. "Oh is that a challenge Mrs Swift?"

She lets out a string of laughter. "Not this time. We're in an old church building and it's literally Easter." She says and I frown.

"When we get home though.. that's a different story." She quickly follows up.

I chuckle and lean down to kiss her. We linger there a little too long and we hear a voice snap us out of it.

"The newly weds are back at it again!" I hear my brother yell from across the room. He was definitely remembering the time he walked in on us once we got back from our honeymoon in the Bahamas.

I shoot Jason a look and glance back down at Taylor. I peck her cheek, "I'm gonna go get a drink. Do you need anything?" I ask and he shakes her head no. I kiss he once more before adventuring off to find some water.

I get stopped a few times with small talk about me and Tay and football and all that crap. When I finally get away and go to Taylor again, she's no where to be seen. I furrow my eyebrows and pull out my phone.

Went to the bathroom, be back in five.

Don't think about me too much.

I hear a familiar giggle ring my ears and see Taylor walking out of the bathroom hall with a wide smile on her face. She's too cute.

She makes her way over to me and slings her arms around my waist.

"You're a funny man Travis." She says with a laugh.

"Am I now?" I wiggle my eyebrows and place my hands on her waist. I let my hands drift down and give her ass a light squeeze.

She jumps a little and looks around.

"Travis kelce." She scolds me.

"What?" I say innocently.

"One more hour." She says.

"One more hour." I respond. Only one more hour till I can take her home and touch her however I please.

We try to stay away from each other for the rest of the party, because we know if we even look at each other we're gonna end up in a storage closet somewhere.

I'm sitting down at our table talking to a few of our family friends when I feel small hands run over my shoulders and onto my chest.

"Ready to go?" Taylor leans down and whispers in my ear in a quiet sexy voice.

I raise my eyebrows and stand up quickly, drawing the attention of everyone at the table.

"I- um.. Have an early start tomorrow so I think me and Tay are gonna head out." I say grabbing Taylor's hand.

"See you guys later." Taylor says to the table as I practically drag her out to the car.

The whole ride home is silent except for the little squeaks that Taylor makes when I squeeze the spot where my hand was resting, her upper upper thigh.

We pull into the driveway and both get out of the car as soon as it comes to a stop.

Taylor runs up the steps and unlocks the door, me quickly following her footsteps.

"Come on, come on." I hear her whisper as I quickly walk up the steps.

As soon as I kick the door shut I press her against the side board.


Why is it so hard to write?? Like I have so many drafts that just have titles and like 3 words and it's so annoyingggg

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