Getting better at this

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Travis POV

"YOU JUST NEED TO LEARN HOW TO COMMUNICATE TRAV!" It's the last thing she says before slamming our bedroom door.

We had gotten into a 'disagreement' again. It's become a usual thing at this point.

I walk from the kitchen into the living room and sit down. I place my elbows on my knees and burry my face into my hands.

I don't know what's been happening. I've been picking fights and being rude and distant from Taylor. I don't know why I'm doing this. It's not like me, I love Taylor and I'm worried that she thinks I'm falling out of love.

Taylors POV

After I slam the door, I feel tears well in my eyes. Something's wrong with him and I just don't know what, I don't think he knows either.

It's breaking my heart seeing him fall apart, falling apart alone. He won't let me in. Travis tells me about everything.

I slide down the side of the wall next to the door and curl into a ball silently sobbing.

After about 30 minutes I go over to my closet.. our closet. We had just moved in together a few weeks ago. It's not the reason why we're fighting, we both know that. We both also know we're gonna get through this. That's why we don't leave the house and don't come back till midnight.

I steal one of Travis's Cincinnati hoodies an slide it over my chiefs t-shirt as I climb onto the bed. I keep to my side of the bed, I face towards Trav's side and just kinda think. Think about everything and anything.

I roll over to I'm facing the window and close my eyes.

About 15 minutes later I hear the door open. I decide to keep my eyes closed, not having the energy to argue right now.

Travis's POV

I give Tay 45 minutes or so to calm down. But before I head upstairs I walk over to our coat rack and put on my dark blue eras tour crew neck. I love it, I love it because it reminds me of how I met my wonderful woman.

I walk up the stairs trying to be quiet. I slowly open the door and see Tay on top of the blankets with her eyes shut. I'm assuming she's asleep.

I grab a blanket as I walk over to her and squat down
Carefully covering her. I look at her tear stained face for a few moments before reaching out my hand to caress her cheek, I lean forward a kiss her forehead before whispering, "I'm gonna give you some space and sleep on the couch. Come down if you need me. I love you so much sweet girl." I didn't care that she was asleep. She asked me to communicate and so I'm starting that as soon as I can.

My voice cracks a little while talking but I stand back up and make my way downstairs.

Taylors POV

As soon as I hear the door click shut, I feel tears streaming down my face. He's so sweet and even communicated that he was going to give me space.
Even though he thought I was asleep.

That's all I needed him to do. Talk to me. Even if he didn't know what to talk about.

After about an hour I decide to go downstairs, even though he's probably asleep, at the chance he isn't I'm going to take it.

I open the door and make my way down the hallway. I descend the stairs and before taking the last step onto the floor, I watch Travis. Laying on his back with a dark green xtra large blanket flowing over him, his fingers were loosely interlocked resting on top of his head with his eyes closed.

I step on to the floor and make my way to the couch I stop right in front of him and look down at him. Pieces of hair begin falling into my face, I pull my hair into a bun in a state of frustration.

He looks so peaceful. He hasn't been sleeping very well so I ponder waking him, or going back up or even just laying down with him. All I need right now is to know that he's okay.

As I take a step back and turn around I hear a quiet voice behind me. "Tay come here baby." I spin around and see Travis with his eyes open and full of sorrow. I tilt my head to the side and begin to cry. He immediately lifted his blanket up inviting me to lay down on him.

I take his offer almost instantly and climb on top of him as he covers us with the blanket. I let the tears flow quietly, Travis kisses the top of my head and securely wraps both of his arms around me. I cuddle my face into his neck and say "I'm sorry for yelling, I know that's not helpful but I just got frustrated."

"No baby, I'm sorry. I don't know what's going on but I need to be talking to you about it. It's just that I feel like I'm pushing you away and I'm not going to get you back." He says as a lone tear falls down his handsome face.

I slide my legs apart letting them fall on each side of his thighs and sit up straight. She moves himself up so we're face to face. I wipe the stray tear away. I kiss him lightly on the lips.

"You going through a rough patch in your life isn't going to push me away. I really am here through the thick and thin. I'm here Trav. I'm here sitting on you telling you that I'm giving you unconditionally love all day everyday. Forever. I'm so down bad for you Travis, so down that if we broke up I don't think I would ever be okay. I would never try to find love and comfort in anyone ever again. And that's scary. It's scary knowing that you're my sun and moon. But I'm not running from you just because you're struggling. I'm here to help you through it because that's what partners do. I just need you to know that I'm stronger than I look and you can lean on me when you need to."

He pulls me into him as rests his head on top of mine and whispers in my ear "no more fights, no more shutting you out, no more ignoring, no more yelling baby. Just you and me and us together. I love you so much I can't even imagine my life without you."

I place my head back in the crook of his neck and kiss his neck. He pulls the blanket back up and slides his hands around my mid section. He squeezes my side and I squirm a little and giggle a lot. He laughs with me and eventually we both fall asleep.


So we're gonna pretend that they don't have guest rooms that he could have gone too because when I was writing I didn't think of that! 

Also sorry for it being so short.

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