The Hills (M)

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"I only love it when you touch me, not feel me when I'm fucked up that's the real me when I'm fucked up that's the real me"
-The Weeknd-

"All I'm trying to say is that we should start exploring together. Less vanilla type." I say as I wiggle to key in the lock of our front door.

Travis doesn't respond as I open the door and walk in. Just as I reach for the light switch he pushes me back against the now closed door.

"You know how hard it's been seeing you in this little dress all night and not being able to touch you?" Travis says, slightly bending down to bunch up the bottom of my dress around my hips. I gasp at the sudden interaction but am quickly silent when his mouth is on mine.

I let him dominate and push his tongue into my mouth as his hands roam freely over my body, tugging at the fabric of my clothes and squeezing certain parts of my body. Kneading my muscles.

"Oh Travis!" I gasp as I pull away to take a breath in, quickly going back for more. It's like he was a drug and god am I addicted.

I bring one of my legs up and hook it around my waist, trying to reel him closer to me as if he hasn't already shoved me up against the wall and is holding his body on top of mine.

He guides a hand between my spread legs and wastes no time nudging two fingers into my slick core.

"Mm fuck!" I moan out loud, throwing my head back till it slams against the wall. I become a mess of moans and gasps as he pumps his fingers in and out of me. Ever since we started dating I haven't been able to please myself on my own since three of my fingers are like one and a half of his, he's totally given my body high expectations.

I dig my stiletto into his lower back as I get closer and closer to my orgasm. Just waiting for him to hit the right spot so I can explode.

He uses his other hand to travel down to the back of my thigh and squeeze it before lifting it up so I can wrap it around the other side of his hips. I link my ankles together behind his back which traps his hand between our body's, yet he still finds a way to move his fingers in me even if he can't thrust them.

He spins us around and places me and the dining room table so he has full control of me again.

"Travis please! I'm so close!" I scream as I dig my nails into the skin of his biceps. He keeps going and just as I'm about to cross the finish line he yanks his fingers out of my wet cunt.

I open my eyes, still blurry from everything that just happened. I feel Travis's arms moving around and can also feel him shuffling around against my legs.

"Wha—" I begin to say but am cut off with a high pitched scream as I feel his hard length sink into me. Definitely wasn't expecting that.

"You're not gonna cum until I say it's okay. Got it?" Travis grabs my face with one hand to look at him. I nod my head fiercely. He begins to pull back, just barely keeping the tip in before slamming his hips into mine at full force.

I ring my arms around his mid back and hold him close to me, keeping my mouth latched onto his shoulder to muffle my moans so our daughter doesn't hear us from upstairs. Definitely don't need her to be seeing daddy fucking mommy this good first time in two years.

Ever since we had her I was scared to have sex, I made Travis wait a long time, I thought he wouldn't like it anymore since my body has changed but I gave him a chance and he showed me just how much he loved my new body. But I made sure we were being gently so it wouldn't hurt anything.

This was perfect though. Everything burned and hurt but in a delicious way. In a way that I couldn't imagine. Every spark of pain was replaced by a blazing fire of pleasure.

Travis really is a sex god. That was one of his pickup lines when we first met. He was drunk and wanted to hookup with someone and I thought he was cute, six months later, and a hell of a lot of hookups later, he had me knocked up, so we tried to see if we could make a relationship work and it clearly did seeing that we're still going strong after 5 years together.

I brace a hand behind me as Travis pushes his head down to my chest, kissing around my inner boob before latching onto my nipple and sucking, biting, and tugging it playfully, driving me insane.

"Please." I lean in as close at possible and whisper in his ear seductively. Another thought pops into my mind. Something I know will make him instantly bust.

"Put another baby in me." I growl, throwing my head back as he comes back up to kiss the base of my throat.

"I'm gonna fill you up till my cum is dripping out of you." He groans against my skin, making me tip right over the edge, falling into the most earth shattering orgasm I've ever had.

I open my mouth but before I can let him know just how amazing he makes me feel, his hand claps over my mouth, startling me a bit.

"Do you want Mallory to hear us?" He laughs with me. I feel his warm seed leak into me at last. The feeling I've been chasing all night, all my life.

He picks me back up off the table, thinking he's gonna take us upstairs but then he puts me down on the floor and spins be around, bending me over the table.

He pushes my face down onto the smooth wood and pulls my hips back to hang over the edge, giving my pussy to him in a silver platter. He shoves his middle finger into me quickly following up with two more.

I whimper against the table as he yanks his fingers out of me suddenly. I can't see what he's doing, and even if I tried I don't think I could, I'm completely weak under the Kelce spell.

He kneels onto the fluffy carpet that lays under our table. Grabbing a hold of my thighs and plunging his tongue into my cum covered sex.

I curl my toes at the feeling of his lapping tongue gathering all of my arousal into his mouth. He uses a hand to reach around a brush against my clit, trying to get a reaction out of me.

I stretch both of my arms up to grab the other side of the table, in an attempt to stabilize myself since I'm getting a feeling that my world is about to be flipped upside down and shook around.

He uses a middle finger to slowly rub my clit into circles, building momentum as my third orgasm grows. His tongue speeds up with my moans. Travis reads my body perfectly and senses when I'm about to cum without even looking at my face.

He makes sure to clean me up, inner thighs and all before climbing back up and flipping me over. Dominate, possessive Travis has officially left the room and now, standing in front of me, is that man I fell in love with.

"Was that too vanilla for you?" He picks me up bridal style which couldn't have been easy since I'm completely dead weight at this point. He's killed me with his amazing sex god powers.

"That. Was. The. Best." I breath.

"Letsdoitagain" I say quickly snapping up to kiss him again.


This chapter was inspired by something I saw taylorswifts-gf  do. I highly recommend going and checking out their books!

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