Cutie (M)

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Taylors POV

Today was a chill day for me and Travis. Travis had a quick practice but once he got home we just watched movies and cuddled all day.

We got bored and decided to play with instagram.

I find a picture of me at a chiefs game pointing down to the field. I caption the post "who's the cutie wearing 87?" And get ready to post it.

I help Travis because he is no tech wizard, especially with instagram. I find an extremely handsome picture of him pointing at me on stage performing at the eras tour in Singapore. I copy the same caption as mine but switch one word. "Who's the cutie wearing 13?" I giggle as a show him and hand him his phone back.

"Okay on three we're gonna click post." I say and hover my finger over the button.

"Wait, shouldn't we check with tree first?" He says.

I completely ignore that and decide it's a later problem and start counting. "One... Two... Three!" We both click post and shut our phones completely off and place them on the couch.

"Holy shit Tay. The swifties are gonna go insane!" He says and I start crawling over to him.

"Gotta feed our kids every once in a while. This will keep them busy for weeks." I say and swing my leg over to straddle his hips.

"Oh yeah?" He says and wiggles his eyebrows as he also grabs my waist.

I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear and nod with a big smile as I lean in to kiss him.

It starts out cute and sweet but quickly turns heated and dirty. Travis's hands glide down from my hips to my ass and gives me a light squeeze. I moan into his mouth as I know he loves that.

"Mm Trav." I say as we break away for a second to breathe. He quickly gets my cue and seamlessly flips us so he's on top.

He kisses and sucks down my neck, most definitely leaving marks. I'm on my two month break from touring so he's allowed to cover me in hickies.

He slides my tank top sleeves down and pulls my shirt down so it bunches around my waist. I rest my hands lightly on the back of his head as he kisses my chest.

I arch my back and he uses the opportunity to snake his hand around and unhook my bra.

He brings his mouth back up to mine and I connect our lips again. He gently slides my arms out of the straps and throws my bra on the floor.

He pulls away and moves down to my boobs. He take my nipple in his mouth and sucks and teases me lightly with his teeth. He doesn't leave my other breast unattended though. He cups my boob with his free hand and rolls my nipple in between his thumb and pointer fingers.

My eyes roll into the back of my head as I shut them tightly and bite my lip. "Oh! Travis!" I moan out as I arch my back towards him.

I let him tease me for a few minutes before I reach for him and pull him back up to me. "I need you to fuck me." I say while holding his face, our lips are only about a few centimeters apart at this point.

"Do you wanna go upstairs?" He asks me.

"No, I need you now." I say while rolling my hips up against his groin.

"If we fuck on the couch then you're gonna have to make it upstairs and into the shower without a single drop of my cum leaving you. Do you understand?" He says and my eyes shut, I feel him rest his hand very softly on my throat and repeats himself. "Do you understand?" He says again but this time making feel eye contact with me.

I felt a shiver run through my bones as I nodded eagerly to his words, desperate for the feeling of being filled by him.

"Words Tay." That's one thing I love about sex with him, he makes sure it's all consensual, he always says it's the bare minimum but no one has ever talked me through sex like he does. And it makes it so much more pleasurable.

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