High school rivialry

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Taylors POV

"Oh you're still alive." I say getting off the floor.

"Don't sound so disappointed, I might think you don't like me." He says and I glare at him.

"I don't." I huff and let him stand up by himself.

"Okay princess." He says and wipes his face off on the towel.

"Ugh." I huff and storm off. Travis Kelce is a no good lying, thieving, liar! Ever since the day we met he's been after me. I can't lie though, I love our bickering. It keeps school fun. But even when I take him down in basketball he still finds a way to make it about him.

"How are you and your boyfriend Tay?" My friends say as I walk up to them.

"Don't even. He's not my boyfriend and never will be." I shake my head and take a drink from my water bottle.

"When will you guys drop the hate act and fall in love?" My friend Selena says.

"There is no 'act' I really do hate him and um GAG!" I say and put two fingers next to my mouth while sticking out my tongue.

They all look at each other and giggle, which just makes me even more mad. Even my own mother thinks we should date! No one gets it.

I walk down to the locker room and get changed back into my uniform just before the bell rings.

I decide to skip my last two classes and just go home since my last two classes also has Travis Kelce in them. I just couldn't do it. He makes my blood boil.

I drive home and park in the garage, running inside to avoid the freezing cold garage area.

I walk into the kitchen, get out a bowl and spoon then open the freezer and get the 'Tillamook dark cherry' ice cream. I scoop myself a big bowl, knowing that my family is gonna eat it before I get a second chance.

I bring my serving upstairs and set it on my bed as I get changed into a pair of white and blue polka dot pajama pants and a ratty old t shirt that I cut to be off the shoulder and says 'Shut up bitch!'.

I took off my bra, obviously. So you can now see my bikini tan line, which is kinda cunty if you ask me but my mom hates tan lines even more than she hates me tanning. Thinks it's gonna ruin my 'YoUtHFuL skiN' but as long as I look good now then I couldn't care less about what I look like in 20 years.

I get comfortable under the blankets of my bed and reach over to grab my remote from my nightstand. I turn on the tv and navigate to Netflix, turning on Greys anatomy.

I see my phone light up from the corner of my eye and put my spoon down, grabbing my phone.

I see my mom texted me and I roll my eyes, unlocking it and going to our messages.

Taylor Alison swift. Would
you do me the favor of telling
me why your marked absent in
your 5th and 6th period classes?

I dunno 🤷‍♀️

I laugh and put my phone and silent then going back to my Taylor time.

A few hours later I hear the front door slam and loud footsteps running up the stairs. My door then blasts open and my little sister Amelia walks in.

"Amel get out." I say before she can talk.

"Taylor can you do my makeup?" She asks, out of breath.

"Why?" I snap at her, crossing my arms over my chest.

"A boy is taking me out and I want to look good." She squeals. "And why are you home already? I always get home before you." She tilts her head to the side.

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