First Event

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Taylor's POV

"Hmm." I hum to myself as I look in the mirror, something is off but I just can't figure it out.

"Earrings." Brittney's voice appears from behind me.

"Ugh I knew that." I say shaking my head and going off to my jewelry cabinet and picking out a stunning pair of simple gold earrings to match my necklace and bracelet.

"Oh yeah there we go." I say looking back in the mirror.

"Travis is gonna go crazy over you girl." Brittney says laughing.

"No he wont." I say putting a few things in my bag.

"Taylor babe, you're stunning. I can assure you that tonight you are coming home early.

"It's a charity gala, we can't leave early. That sets a bad image for us." I say sitting down next to her and slipping my heels on.

"Ready?" I say standing up straight and putting my hand up to help Britt up.

"Let's go wow our men." She laughs and stands up.

She takes my hand and we walk down the hall and meet our partners in the living room.

We stand at the bottom of the stair case waiting for them to notice us but it seems that they are too distracted by their video games.

"Ahem." Brittney coughs loudly, catching the attention of the boys.

They stare for a second before shooting up and walking over to us.

"Tay.." Travis says while walking up to me.

"You are.. unbelievable woman." He says putting his hands on my hips.

I react by placing my hands on his arms and blushing intensely.

"What the fuck are you even playing to where you don't notice your hot wife waiting for you to notice?" I hear Brittney say to Patrick with a slightly raised voice.

"Answer me damn it!" She says after a few moments of silence.

"Grand theft auto.." Pat says quietly and Brittney pushes past him as he quickly follows behind her like a lost puppy.

Me and Travis both turn our heads back to look at each other and burst out laugh.

We intertwine our hands as we follow Britt and Pat out to the car that's waiting to take us to the event. We all get into the SUV with the Mahomes in the back seat and me and Travis sitting in the third row.

It's pretty cramped back here, especially for two abnormally tall people. I toss my legs over Travis's and lean my head on his shoulder. Trav immediately puts his arm around my shoulder and rests his head on mine. I think he can tell how nervous I am, this is our first event together. Sure we've gone out in the public many times but this is our first fancy event type thing we're doing.

"You're gonna do so good Tay. All they're expecting from you is to be yourself." He whispers to me and I put my hand on top of the one in my lap.

"They're not even expecting me to be there." I giggle, squeezing my whole hand around one of his fingers.

"Everyone's gonna love you, you're very lovable." Travis tucks his thumb under my chin and tilts my head up to look at him.

"I love you." He says looking directly at me.

"I love you too." I say and lean in to kiss him.

We go back to how we were before, cuddling in the very back of a car talking about anything that pops into our minds.

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