Together forever (M)

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(this isn't proof read yet so beware! A lot of my tweaks happen when I'm re reading it so it might change within the next few hours, I know I could wait but I just can't!!)

Travis's POV

Todays the day. Today is the day I'm proposing to Taylor, asking her if I can be her forever. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't shitting absolutely bricks right now.

I've had this planned for awhile. A 2 week long beach vacation turned with a little surprise near the end. I bought a gorgeous ring about a year and a half ago.. I knew from the moment I saw her that she'd be my endgame. So after our sixth month anniversary I got a ring. Call me crazy, I don't care one bit.

We're staying at a close friend's holiday house sat quietly on the secluded beach of Positano, Italy.

Right now we're both laying in bed with the balcony doors open and the sheer curtains flowing slightly in the easy winds. Taylors still asleep but I've been awake for about half an hour or so. Typically Tay would be cuddled up to me but today the tables have turned and my head is resting on her bare chest with my arm wrapped around her stomach.

I'm looking out the window as the soft waves soothe my nervous wrecked body. All the sudden I feel Tays hand come up and brush over my hair as she leaves a soft kiss on my head. I adjust so we're face to face an I can tell she's been awake for a couple minutes now. I'm wondering if she can feel my nerves?

We stay cuddled up for about an hour more exchanging soft kisses and sweet words. Taylor finally convinces me to get up and get ready but if it were up to me we'd stay there together forever.

I walk into the bathroom with her and we both brush our teeth and Tay starts doing her hair. She braided her hair last night so it has perfect waves today, she pulls her front two pieces of hair back and ties it securely with a little white hair tie that has a flower charm on it. She stands back up and smiles at me as she walks past and goes into the closet. I follow her so I can figure out what she's wearing. She picks a white dress with a stunning lace top design. She slips that on and grabs a pair of heeled sandals. I try my best to find something that matches her and I put on them check myself out in my mirror making sure I look good and go downstairs to see her dancing around in the kitchen to Fleetwood Mac, Eating an assortment of strawberries, watermelon, pineapple and peaches.

I stand in the doorway until she spots me and smiles as she walks over to me and grabs my hand pulling me into the kitchen. We spend the rest of the late morning dancing around as we're laughing and eating so much fruit. Suddenly the music stops and all the lights go out.

Taylors POV

I spin around to look at Travis and he gives me the same confused look back. The only light shining in is the sun peeking through the big floor to ceiling windows at the back of the house and the one in the kitchen that I opened to see the beach area. "Must have blown a fuse." He says. "Well I'm not going in the dark garage it fix it." I say with some tone. He laughs and pulls me into him kissing my neck "I know baby. I'll be right back" he spoke as he swiftly exited the room.

I lean against the open window sill. As he's gone my mind wanders to this morning when I woke up to my big man cuddled up to me, I couldn't see his face but I could feel the tension in him, like he was super nervous or scared. I'm not stupid, I know he got a ring. I accidentally found out about 6 months ago when I was organizing his shoe collection and found it in a box with his black high top converse. I didn't know he'd already had it a year prior to me seeing it. Well technically I didn't see it, I just found the box which was clearly an engagement ring. But little did I know today was finally the day I'd get to look at it.

The lights flicker back on and a few moments later Travis walks in with a smile on his handsome face. "You wanna go swimming?" He says emptying his pockets because he already knows my answer. "Uhm of course. Let me go change into my swimsuit. I turn around to go back upstairs but he grabs my waist and whispers in my ear "or we could go skinny dipping, there's no other houses let alone people for miles.." he leaves kisses all up and down my neck and I nod my head as he spins me around and picks me up. I wrap my hands around his neck as I giggle.

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