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i exhale loudly as i sit down and reach for my water bottle.

"you were great today daphne." my coach says and gives me a smile.

"thanks ms. johnson" i nod with a slight smile.

i hear a buzz from my bag and when i've gotten my phone i see that sophia has texted me.

how did practice go? did you make it in time?

i smile and text her that it went alright, it would have been better if only...

"texting about me, daph?" the annoying voice of aiden adler asks.

"no i was thinking about how to murder you without anyone noticing and suspecting me." i say with an angry stare but he only laughs.

"how cute of you to think that you're smart enough for that." he says with a cocky smirk.

"hey i don't know if you remember but i got a better grade than you on our last test." i remind him proudly.

"i had been sick the week before so that explains it." he shrugs.

"can't you just admit it?" i nearly scream.

"nah." he shrugs and grabs my water bottle and before i have the chance to take it back he takes a big gulp from it leaving almost half of the bottle empty.

"thanks for the water i needed it." he smirks.

i look him dead in the eyes and then decide to be the bigger person and not say anything. i grabbed my hoodie and bag and went out to my car.

"can you give me a ride?" he shouts behind me.

"no." i say and quickly get into my car.

he runs up to me and tries to give me puppy eyes but i only shrug with a smile and drive away.


after i've showered i apply body lotion on my body and a serum and some moisturizer on my face. i brush through my hair and put it into a loose braid.

i sigh as i look into my mirror. i turn my body to the side and look at it, i breathe out and look at my bloated belly. i pull down my sweatpants a bit and sigh once again as i look at my stretch marks on my hips.

i've struggled with my body image for so long it's tiring.

i shake my head and walk into my bedroom.

i scroll through instagram and think about aiden. i wonder what he posts? probably pics of his non-existent abs that he thinks girls will drool over.

i find his profile and to my surprise he has only posted pictures with his family, friends and different places.

i even scroll down to as far as when he posted his first picture. why did he have to post cute family photos when i wanted to laugh at him?

when i reach back up to his latest post with his friend alex i accidentally like the post.


i quickly remove it and try to take deep breaths to stop my heart from beating so fast. i'm gonna look like a stalker, like i'm actually gawking over pictures of him.

i'm not gonna say anything about this and hope that he didn't see it.


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