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i sigh as i've placed my last bag in the back of the car.

we're leaving now and i'm dreading what's about to come.

i have barely been on my phone so i haven't texted or looked at text messages. i have no idea what sophia thinks.

"hey it's okay." aiden smiles and squeezes my thigh when we're in our seats, ready to leave.


"well i guess this is it." i say when we've arrived at my house.

"yeah. this was nice. i'd uh- i'd like to do this again." he says nervously and scratches the back of his neck.

"again?" i ask.

"yeah? wasn't it obvious that we both wanted this?" he asks.

i do want this. so much.

"oh, i thought it was obvious that this was the end. just a couple more last times."

"oh." he says and looks down.

"we've already hurt someone we care about and for what? a few hookups?" i ask and hate myself for saying this.

"i don't know i just-"

"well that's what this is. we're just having fun, right?" i ask carefully.

please don't say yes. please don't say yes. please don't say ye-

"yeah i guess." he shrugs and looks out the window.

"right." i nod and blink away the tears that are burning on my eyes.

"bye then." i say quietly and he mutters a 'bye' back.

why am i so dumb? why can't i just admit my feelings?


i nervously walk around in my bedroom and practice what i'm suppose to say when sophia picks up.

"fuck it." i say and press her contact and call.

"daph?" she asks and i'm relieved to hear her voice again.

"hi soph. can we talk?"


we met up at the beach and sit down on a bench. it's about ten pm so there aren't many people out.

"i'm sorry."

she looks at me with a sad look.

"to be honest, i feel so bad for being so mad at you." she says which takes me by surprise.

"really?" i ask shocked.

"yeah. i've had time to think and i mean, it's understandable that you were scared to tell me. especially since it was just a fling."

"right." i nod.

"cause you'd never like my brother right?" she laughs.

"no way. but if i did, would you've still been mad?"

"no, a bit sad that you didn't tell me, but i get that this was quite embarrassing to talk to me about."

"yeah, a bit." i smile.

it's quiet for a while, but not awkward just peaceful. i've always loved being with sophia because of this.

"aria hasn't been answering my texts or calls. i guess she realizes what a psycho she's been." sophia says and i laugh.

"she's insane. and we had no idea, while she was pretending to be my friend she was stalking me." i shake my head with a scoff.

"do you know why yet?" she asks and i shake my head.

"i guess she had a crush on aiden or she just hated me." i shrug.

"maybe. but i find that hard to believe, you're very easy to like." she smiles at me.

"i've missed you." i sigh and tear up.

"oh daph, i've missed you too. and it's only been a few days." she laughs and i chuckle.


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