Always Hers (16)

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Waliyah's P.O.V

Dear Diary, 

Something weird is happening to me, I cannot explain it. It is something that I have never experienced before. . .I am not the one who envies other people, and I never thought that I would become someone who does. . .but I feel that I am. I have never opened my heart to another person because of all the responsibilities I have taken to help Baba out with the family, but now it seems that my heart is starting to do what it wants instead of listening to me, and that's dangerous. . .

"Wafa Api!" Malli called my name, "Are you ready yet?" Quickly tucking my diary underneath my pillow I fix my dupatta and stand up. No one knew that I had a diary,  my diary was my best friend after Amal. It had secrets written in it, that no one should know, not even her.  Clearing my throat I rushed out of my room and shut the door. Malli came around the corner and looked at me suspiciously, "What were you doing?"

I give her a bored look and turn her around saying, "None of your business,"

Malli turned to look at me as I pushed her towards the kitchen where I could hear Amma snapping at Ayra. "Are you okay Api?" Malli asked concerned, "You have been so quiet since yesterday." After the game Meera had made us play last night, I was lost in my thoughts, battling with my mind and heart about what is right and what is wrong. I have always known how to keep my boundaries, and I have always been able to control my feelings, but this time it had become so hard to avoid the inevitable. 

"I am fine," I say trying to brush off her comment, and walk into the kitchen to see Ayra almost in tears. "Amma," I grab her shoulders, "Kyu daat rahi ho?" (Why are you yelling at her?)

"Then what should I do?" Amma snapped, "Ek kaam kehdo toh maut per jaati hai." (I give her one job, and she cannot even do that.)

"Amma," I try to calm the situation down, "It's okay, she is still-"

"She is 20 years old Wafa!" She snapped, "When you and Ammy were 20, you two did everything!"

Ayra's bottom lip began quivering, she was going to cry any minute. Ayra looked at her for a few seconds and left the kitchen. I sighed, "Amma, this is really unnecessary." I point out, "I know you are stressed out about Api's wedding but that doesn't mean you keep snapping at Ayra and Malli." I defend them. Malli kept quiet as I spoke firmly with her, "Api wouldnt want you to do this either." With that, I left her alone in the kitchen and went to Ayra's room. "Ayra!" I knock on the door, "Ayra opens the door."

"Go away Api!" Ayra sniffled, "She always does this."

"Ayra, she is just stressed out." I say knocking on the door harder, "Open the door." But it was no use, leaning against the door I played with the end of my dupatta wanting to comfort her. 

"She isnt opening the door?" Amma asked tiredly, I shook my head no. I understood why Amma was so cranky lately, her first baby was getting married. I can only imagine how hard it is for her right now, but she did need to learn how to control her anger at times. Amma pushed me to the side and knocked on the door, "Qadira," She said quietly, "Darwaza kholo."  (Open the door)

We heard shuffling in the door, and the lock was opened, but the door wasnt. Amma breathed out heavily and walked into the room, leaving me outside. There was a hush conversation, and soon the two appeared.  Ayra had a soft smile on her face, as Amma held her hand in a strong grip. "Abh chalo dono, we have a lot more to do." (Now let's go, we have alot more to do.)

Amma let go of her head and she walked ahead of us, as I pulled Ayra into my side and walked behind her. "Such a drama queen," I teased her, 

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