Always Hers (28)

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Waliyah's P.O.V.

"Wafa!" Amma shakes me frantically as I snuggle deeper into my pillow, we had gotten back late from the function, and I had told her not to wake me up until later in the afternoon because the mehndi would start late. "Wafa!"

"Amma," I whine, "Stop,"

"Wafa, Amal!" She said desperately, now that woke me up as I shot up in my bed, tears. were streaming down her cheeks. 

"Amal what?" I ask just as scared, "What happened?" 

"She- She," She tried to speak threw her tears but couldnt say anything, my heart began to beat overdrive as I threw my sheets off of me, and ran into the bathroom quickly throwing some clothes on, and rushing out of my room, out of the house and. just began running not bothering to stop from everyone calls, or for a rickshaw. I ran and ran, ignroing the burning feeling in my lungs, and my feet.  All I could think of was Amal, and if she was okay, what had happened to her. I accidentally tripped over a rock and. fell, "Ow," I whined, as I landed on my hands, but I didn't have time to process what had happened to me, I quickly brushed off the dirt from my hands, and began running ignoring the pain in my back and left foot, I finally made it to her house. 

The guards let me through the gates, and I rushed inside, Khala and Khalu were sitting there despaired. "Khala!" I said softly before leaning down before them, "Khala, Amal kahan hain?" (Aunty, where is Amal?)

Khala's cries got louder, "Khalu?" I say desperately, "Khalu, where is Amal please tell me,"

Khalu looked at me sadly and pointed upstairs, "The doctors are with her currently,"

I drop everything and rush upstairs to find Samar pacing back and forth infront of the door, "What is going on?" I ask him, 

"Her cell count," He said almost breathlessly, "The doctors said that they are dangerously low right now, I do not understand." Samar came to stand infront of me, "She was fine last night, this is so drastic."

I furrow my eyebrows, "Did she take her medications yesterday?" I ask trying to figure out the reason. 

"I do not know,'


"I-I". He structured, "I think so,"

He cannot be serious, "Samar, this is going to be your responsibility from now on to track when she had her medications and when she doesnt. These drastic changes are because of her not taking her medications on time, I have timers set to text her, to remind her and-"

"Sorry!" Samar cut me off, "This is all new to me, Wafa."

"New?" I question, "Samar, this is-"

"I am sorry to interrupt." The doctor said catching both of our attention, "But Amal is in the clear now,"

Thank you, Allah Miyaji. 

Inhaling sharply I say, "What was the issue?"

"Her cell count," He said, "Because of two missed dosages the cancer cells in her bloodstream had risen to almost a lethal level, you two need to take care of her better. Reminders of the oral chemotherapy need to remain constant."

I look over at Samar, "Right," I whisper, "Sorry, I will set more reminders for myself, so I can get her the medications on time."

The doctor smiled, "Wafa, you have been taking great care of her, please do not blame yourself."

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