Always Hers (13)

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Waliyah's P.O.V

"As-Salaam-Alaikum, Khala." I say to Rukhsar Khala as I walk into Amal's home. I looked around, my eyes were searching for her. I had tried calling her last night, but she did not answer, and this morning I had spammed her phone with text messages but once again nothing. 

"Wa-Alaikum-Salaam, Wafa." Khala said gently guiding me towards the living room. She knew why I had come, but it seemed like she was hesitant to even start the conversation.  "Do you want anything to drink?"

"Nahi," (No)  I shook my head, "Khala, Amal?" I get straight to the point, anxiousness seemed to begin to fill him as sadness overtook her eyes. "Kaha hain woh?" (Where is she?)

Khala inhaled sharply, "She is upstairs in her room," She replied, "But, she has a drip in her arm, and she-"

"I'll go see her." I cut her off, standing up I ran upstairs and barged into her room. This is what Amal did, each time she got any sort of bad news, she began to push people away, she says it was her way of making the pain of losing her easier, but all this did was hurt me more. Amal looked over at me immediately, "Did you really think you could hide from me?" I asked throwing my bag onto the chair beside me, I walked over to her and grabbed her hand, the one with the IV to make a point to her. 

Amal smiled sadly at me, "Have I ever been able to hide from you?'

"What is going on Amal?" 

Rukhsar Khala had followed me up and sat down beside me, "It's getting worse." Khala spoke for her. I looked over at her concerned, "They had thought they could continue the chemo without doing a bone marrow biopsy, but yesterday Amal had collapsed before coming to your home. Sarfaraz and I had rushed her to the hospital, where her specialist was and he said, that the immature blood cells, were growing and taking over the natural white cells that were helping fight the cancer."

Amal began to cough, and I quickly offered her some water, "So are they going to do the biopsy now Khala?"

"She is too weak to handle that much trauma." She replied tearfully,

"So?" My heart dropped, "Are they going to continue the treatment?"

Khala dropped her gaze unable to speak, Amal pitched in, "I am on oral chemotherapy," She said softly, "That is all my body can take right now." My hands began shaking as soon as I heard that. What about what I had planned for her and Samar? I wanted her to have one moment of happiness, the happiness that she craved in secrecy. This needed to happen faster, Samar and her, needed to happen sooner. 

I know she liked him to see, I see the way she lit up every time I mentioned his name, I see her truly smile only when she is with him. . . "They have only given me six months." Amal whispered, "To live."

Tears blurred my vision, I looked up at her softly smiling, "That's more than enough time for me to make loads more memories with my best friend."

Amal's tears slipped out of her eyes as she pulled me into a tight hug, "What have I done to deserve you?" She asked when the question truly was. . what have I done to have a best friend like her? Even though I had three sisters, I only found comfort and solace around her to share my problems and concerns. Amal knew me like the back of her hand, and I knew her like the back of my hand. Amal tightened her grip on me as I went to pull away as if she was afraid I wouldnt come back, when I should be afraid of that. "I love you Wafa,"

"I love you too," I said quietly, rubbing her back as she broke down into tears in my arms. Amal rarely showed her vulnerability infront of anyone because she always wanted to be strong for Khala and Khalu. . .Amal and I were the best of friends, and now this love story that Allah has begun will be finished by my hands. 

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