Always Hers (36)

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Amal's P.O.V.  (One Week Later)

"Amal?" Saad gently nudged me as Doctor Javed finished reading all the risks off his file to us, I sat frozen not knowing what I should do or say. . ."Amal!" Gasping I look over at Saad who looked at me just as concerned as Doctor Javed, "Are you okay?"

How could I be okay? I thought Saad was taking me for a romantic long drive but instead, he brought me to the one place that I dreaded going to. . the hospital. For the past eight years, this place has become a torture chamber for me, and now Dr Javed is telling me all these horrible things at what is supposed to be one of the happiest periods of my life. "No," I whispered, "No I am not okay."


"You are alluding to the option of aborting my baby." I snapped at Dr Javed, "How could you even ask of that from me?"

Dr Javed sighed, "Amal, be practical."

"No!" I said, "I will not be practical, I am not aborting my baby!" My body begins to shake anxiously, "How can you even ask me. that question Dr Javed?"


But I stood up extending my hand out for Samar to hold, "Chalo Saad," (Let's go, Saad) But Saad sat there almost frozen, "Samar!"

He turned around looking at me with sad eyes, "Amal," He whispered, "Please samajh ne ki koshish karo." (Please try and understand.)

I shake my head, "Saad,"

Saad stood up grabbing my hands tightly in his almost as if he was afraid that I would disappear, "The decision is yours," He continued, "This baby is just as special to me, as it is to you. . .but Amal the possibility of a miscarriage is really high, and I do not want you to go through that kind of pain. . .I know you love me, I know you want to. start a family with me, but this pregnancy is just as risky for your health as it is for this baby."

He rested his forehead against mine, "This is risky,"

I close my eyes trying to calm myself down, "I know," I whispered, "But. . .I cannot do that to an innocent life Saad," I try to reason with him, "Please,"

Saad gently kissed my cheek, "Like I said, whatever you decide. . .I am with you."

"I am keeping the baby," I said,

Saad nodded making me sit back in the chair infront of Dr Javed, he said, "We are keeping the baby."

Dr Javed breathed out heavily. . . "I understand." He replied, before leaning back and explaining all the other things that could go wrong, what procedures to take, and what to do or what not to do. . .so on. I protectively covered my stomach with my hand. . .

. . .

Samar's P.O.V.

Dropping Amal back home after the doctor's appointment, hundreds of thoughts kept going through my mind.  Doctor Javed has been really clear about everything that can go wrong with this pregnancy but she is adamant about keeping this child, that there is nothing that I can do or say that will change her mind. 

I had told her that I was going to work but in reality, I have been aimlessly driving around the streets of our hometown, trying to convince myself that whatever Amal decides is the right thing for her, and for yself.  

I love Amal, I really do. . .so I am selfish. . .her decision about keeping the child that has the potential to kill her, was eating me alive. Doctor Javed has explained the risks to her in detail but being stubborn as she is, she didnt listen, all she wanted or focused on was that baby that we barely knows. 

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