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"Why is he coming back already. He should had stayed there for longer. Is it because he took that woman with him?" asked brother Henry.
"I don't understand why is he still clinging to that woman. He even took her and her child to the North Dukedom," said sister Katrina.
"Exactly! Isn't it already time for him to find a new lover?" said brother Henry.
"Maybe he has already found another during his stay at the North..."
"Please don't say all these Infront of the kids," said brother Cedric angrily.

   ***Quick Info About All The Siblings***

1st- Cedric (17 years)
2nd- Katrina (15 years)
3rd- Henry (14 years)
4th- Ishak (13 years)
5th- Neel (10 years)
6th- Athena (8 years)
7th- Davinia (6 years)
8th- Meitry (6 years)
9th & 10th- Alex & Matthew (Twins- 5 years)(According to Alex he is older)
11th- Logan (3 years)
12th- Clausius (2 years)
13th- Rose (1.5 month)

As we finished our breakfast everyone started leaving. "Brother Cedric, I want to learn horse riding.""But Davinia you are still too small. I don't think you can do it right now."
"But brother I really want to learn. Whenever I look at you riding a horse, I can't even explain in words. You look so cool."
"Do you really find me that cool?"
"Of course. Everyone thinks you are cool."
"Brother Cedric, I also want to learn horse riding," said sister Athena.
"Okay okay I'll see what can I do. But don't get your hopes high," said brother Cedric.

In this house we can learn whatever we want. Nobody can question your choice because of brother Cedric. He is the only one who has accepted all his half siblings just as his own. At first some people thought he was doing it because he wants to become the next head of the house. Although we don't know if it's true or not but we all have already accepted him as the next head.

"Lady Davinia, what will you be wearing when the Duke arrive?" asked Mary.
"Mary I'm not going to greet him."
"Yes yes I know you won't. I was just asking," Mary said sarcastically.

The day of Duke's arrival:
"I can't believe they are going to greet him. I don't even want to see that ugly face of his," said brother Neel.
"You know very well that he isn't ugly and maybe both of our mother fall for him because of his face."
"Please don't say that Davinia. I don't even want to know what they liked," replied brother Neel.
"But what is taking so long? Why are they still waiting? Wasn't they suppose to return already?" I said as I completed drawing brother Neel. "It looks ugly."
"I don't know. Wow you did a very good job Davinia."

"My Lady, Lord!!", Mary rushed inside our room."His grace met with an accident while returning. His Grace died while trying to save Lady Rose."
"Oh so he died," he paused for a moment, "That means brother Cedric can finally become the head," said brother Neel cheerfully.
"What are you saying, My Lord!!!" I ran towards the hall at once. "My Lady! Where are you going?"
"It's not possible. He would never die trying to save Rose, brother Cedric," said sister Katrina.
"Exactly. He doesn't even care about his children. And you think he would die while saving Rose. Impossible," said brother Ishak.
"He didn't even came to see Davinia when she was born and you think he would...."
"Davinia!!!" shouted brother Cedric as he saw me and ran towards me.
This is not possible!!! He cannot die!!! This can't be happening!!!!!

I ENDED UP AS A DUKE'S 7TH CHILD Where stories live. Discover now