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How could brother just say that so easily!!! Does he has any idea how hard it was for me!! The teacher had to show me all the equation, I had to go through all the books that's when I was able to do it.
Even though I've already learned most of this in the past, I can't do it unless someone first show me how to do it. Moreover I'm forgetting my past memories too.
There's no other way, I have to emotionally blackmail him then!!!

"Brother it's Davinia, can I come?" I asked while waiting outside brother Cedric's room.
"My Lady, Young Master isn't here," said a maid.

At evening I waited outside the training ground,"Young Master has already left."

The next day he didn't came for breakfast and throughout the day there was no sign of him.

Is brother avoiding me intentionally. Now what am I suppose to do. Should I just stop being adamant? But will I ever again get a chance to win the empress's favour? Okay this will be last thing I can do!
"Sir Dalton, are you there?"
"Yes my Lady, can I help you with something?"
"Could you make sure brother Cedric receive this letter?"

The next day:
"Davinia I'm extremely sorry! I was just a little busy for the past few days but that doesn't mean I don't have time for you at all. I never knew my behaviour would hurt you. Please forgive me this time."
"Please don't say that. I know you were busy so you don't have to be sorry."
"But Davinia are you here to talk about the Palace incident again. I'm sorry but I can't permit you to go."
"Brother may I ask why exactly I'm not allowed to go?"
"Davinia I think you don't know about the temper of the fourth prince. He is not someone with whom you'll be safe. Despite his extreme young age......."
"But brother," I stopped him in the middle, "I don't want to go there for the prince. I want to go there for the Empress." I paused, "I know you will do everything to give me the best education you can possibly give. But that will still not be the same as of the palace. I want to become the best version of myself so that I can help you in future.I know I'm sounding ambitious but it's not only education I'm worried about, I also want to become close with the Empress. She was someone who was close to mother. I want to get to know her a little bit more. I want to know about mother." I can't believe I'm saying this. (Mother please forgive me. It's not that I'm lying. But this was never the sole reason.) Please this is the most I can go. If brother don't agree even now then I'll have no way but to back off.
"I understand. I'll let the Empress know."
"You'll let me go????"
"In only one condition."

A glimpse of the letter:

I know brother you are very busy with everything happening so quickly. And someone like me shouldn't have the audacity to waste any of your valuable time when you don't even have time to have a proper meal. But still someone as ignorant as me would dare to ask for some of your precious time even if it's for a moment. But if you still can't manage it, this insolent will respect your decision.

Author's Note: I hope everyone is having a nice day. But if it's not please stick around I wish your night would be nicer.

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