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As I walked inside the room, I realised Crown Prince was no longer there. Sister Katrina was sitting on the couch beside her desk, frustratedly; brother Ishak sitting beside her, trying to comfort her. And brother Cedric was standing infront of the window looking outside, totally discouraged.

Sister Athena and Alex were standing there just like me, not knowing what to do.

"What's the matter?" brother Neel worriedly asked. He walked towards sister Katrina and kneeled down infront of her, "Is there any problem? Why are you....." he looked at brother Ishak, "Is someone going to tell me or not?" he screamed.

"It's nothing serious, Neel," said brother Ishak and turned to us, "Davinia Alex you both go back to your room and Neel you travelled a lot too. Go get some rest."

"Are you kidding? We can literally see nothing is alright! Whom are you even trying to fool?" asked sister Athena hysterically.

"Athena, please."

"It's fine Ishak. They should know about it," suddenly brother Cedric said. "Where's Meitry and Matthew?"

"They are in their room," replied brother Neel.

He called a servant and told them to bring both Meitry and Matthew.

"Brother what are you doing?" asked brother Ishak in objection.

"They have the right to know about this too Ishak."

In five minutes both of them arrived.

[9 of us present here - Cedric, Katrina, Ishak, Neel, Athena, Davinia, Meitry, Alex and Matthew]

"What's the matter?" Meitry whispered.

"We also don't know." I replied.

"So we all are here. Now Henry, Clausius, Logan and Rose aren't present here. And I will talk to them in future." Brother Cedric took a deep breath, "So what happened is, the marriage between Katrina and first Prince William was supposed to happen in the beginning of next year. But by that time some of our family members won't be present here. So Katrina requested the Empress if the wedding ceremony could be done by this year.

The Empress told us she would look at the matter but today Prince William came and said he want to postpone the wedding even more. And the reason was Second Prince Noel."

"What's with him?" asked brother Neel restlessly.

"Apparently he isn't happy with this marriage and don't wish to participate in any function."

"WHAT!!!" we all gave the same reaction.

"So Katrina asked him, why he never told her about it. But Prince William had no reply. He told her to give him some time because he don't want his brother to miss his wedding," brother paused for a second, "And Katrina neither wanted her siblings to miss her wedding."

"Is that it?" asked sister Athena.

There was a silence in the room. We all realised that wasn't it.

"William wants me to compromise because according to him,......... it's not like you all are my real siblings. ....... ...... And so I should be more understandable."

There was again silence in the room. We all were in lost of words.

"He isn't wrong, no?" brother Neel asked in a shaky voice, breaking the silence.

"What do you mean?" screamed sister Katrina.

"He is right, sister. What Prince William said is true. It's not like we are real siblings. Why are you getting so mad? Your priority should be Prince William now," said sister Athena. "You will become the Empress in the future and that's what you should focus on."

"Is that really what you think Athena?" asked brother Cedric.

"Then what else?" brother Ishak joined. "What will she even get by defending us? By marrying Prince William she will become the Empress. Can any of us make that happen without Prince William? No."

"Become the Empress; by abandoning you all?" asked sister Katrina in disbelief.

"Why are you thinking that we will be abandoned by you just because we won't be able to attend a wedding?" asked brother Neel. "It's you who is more important."

"But don't you all think it's wrong for Prince William to believe sister Katrina should be the one to compromise?" suddenly asked Meitry.

I ENDED UP AS A DUKE'S 7TH CHILD Where stories live. Discover now