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"Davinia! HOW CAN YOU GIVE ME THIS!?!?!?" screamed Meitry in disbelief.

"Why? Don't you like it?"

"It's not about me liking it or not. It's your mother's necklace! No I can't accept it."

"Meitry, I know it's mother's necklace and I really want to give you this. This emerald matches your eyes perfectly as if it was made for you."

"But still Davinia , how can I accept such an important necklace as a gift!"

"Meitry, it's totally fine! I really want to see you in this necklace. Wear it tomorrow, okay?"


"No more buts. You will wear it and that's final."

The Next Day

"My Lady, are you nervous?" asked Mary warmly.

"A little."

"I have heard about the young Prince, he has changed a lot according to the rumours. Now he is a much better child. I know it was really rude of Her Imperial Highness to make you his playmate for such a small reason. But I really think because of those time you two have spent together, he would definitely know that how nice of a person you are."

"Thanks Mary for the encouragement," I said and stayed quiet while she was doing my hair when suddenly I remembered something, "Mary?"

"Yes, My Lady?"

"I'm not trying to be rude but I'm genuinely curious why are you still single? Is there any specific reason?"

"No no My Lady. There is no reason. I'm just waiting for the right person nothing else. I know I'm older than most of the unmarried womens and I might not even get married at this age but don't worry I am not really interested in marriage and all these stuffs."


"No My Lady, you don't need to think about it anymore. And you are all ready. You should go now.    Others must be waiting for you."

I came out of my room and saw brother Neel waiting for me.
"Brother, were you wanting for me?"

"Yeah yeah I was. You both take so much time getting ready already. What will you both do when you will get older? Now let's go. I think Meitry is also ready by now."

"Okay." I replied and we started to go towards Meitry's room.

"Oh....... and you look really pretty today. Everyday you look good of course...,... but today you just look a little better... No I mean to say... you loo....."

"Brother Neel, thank you. You also look really dashing.

In few minutes we came in front of Meitry's room.

"Meitry are you ready?" I asked outside from the room.

"My Lady is almost ready," her maid said from inside.

"Should we wait here?"

"We can but why is no-one else here? Have the Crown Prince arrived?" asked brother.

At the same time a maid came and said, "My Lord and My Lady;  Crown Prince's carriage has almost arrived. We all need to go infront of the Ducal Palace."

"You go I'll bring Davinia and Meitry," replied brother.

"Meitry are you done the Crown Prince has almost arrived." I asked

"Yes yes. I'm done." Meitry said as she opened the door within couple of minutes. "Let's go."

"Wow!! You look very beautiful Meitry."

"Thank you. You both also look great."

We three quickly walk to the entrance and saw everyone else waiting for us.

I ENDED UP AS A DUKE'S 7TH CHILD Where stories live. Discover now