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"No! He can't come." I said without thinking.

"What's wrong this time, Davinia? Why can't Prince William come? You all have already met him," said sister Katrina.

"But you still shouldn't had invited him on Meitry's birthday. We never invite anyone from outside, you know that right?" said sister Athena.

"But he is also our family now. What's wrong with you all today," shouted sister Katrina. "I invited the Crown Prince on your birthday Meitry! Is there anything wrong with that?"

"You just wanted to meet him. That's why you invited him," said brother Neel.

"But why did you invite Prince Mikhail?" asked Meitry.

"I just told William he asked me if he could also bring Prince Mikhail. So I just agreed."

"What? He wanted to tag along Price Mikhail and you agreed?" Suddenly brother Cedric to the leaving room.

"What's the deal? He said Prince Mikhail and Davinia were friends when I was in the Academy. Athena, you had told me Davinia was going to the Imperial Palace and became friends with Prince Mikhail. So what's the big deal everyone?" screamed sister Katrina.

"I never said they were friends," screamed sister Athena.

"Katrina come to my study. We need to talk," said bring Cedric.

"Of course we do."

"Davinia don't worry. It's not like you had a fight with Prince Mikhail or anything. I know it will be a little awkward but........"

I couldn't stand there for another minute I ran towards my room as fast as I could.

"Lady Davinia! What's wrong? Why are you running like this!" Mary asked as I ran to my bedroom.

I ignored Marry and started looking for the diary. This can't be happening!

"My Lady, what are you searching?"

"Mary where is that diary?" I asked anxiously.

"Which one my Lady?"

"The green diary that has roses embroidered on the cover! Where's that?"

"My Lady, I don't think it's here. I'll look for it."

"Mary please be quick! I need it right now."

The Next Day At Ishak's Bakery

"I heard Prince Mikhail is also coming to Meitry's birthday party?" asked brother Ishak.

"You heard right," replied Clausius.

"Don't worry Davinia. I think everything will be fine. Sister Katrina is already engaged to Prince William. What can happen anyway? Just enjoy your cake and cheer up."

"Yes brother."

"Sister Katrina also said Rose is coming back. Make sure you all treat her well and don't forget to bring her to my shop. Now I have to go inside you all eat and I have packed the orange cake for Neel take that with you," brother said as he went back to work.

"Sister Davinia, if you don't mind can I ask why you all are so worried about Prince Mikhail coming? Weren't you both friends?" asked Logan curiously.

"They weren't friend Logan. Davinia was just his playmate for a month. And she stopped going there after her job was done," replied Alex.

"Her job was done? What was her job?" asked Clausius.

"They wanted Prince Mikhail to lose weight! Can you believe it? They could had asked anyone to become his playmate. How could they ask our Davinia to play with him for him to lose weight. Just because they are Imperial family they think they can do whatever they want!" Meitry said furiously.

"Meitry calm down. we are at a public place," said Matthew as he tried to come her down.

Yes. That's the reason brother Cedric gave them when they asked why I wasn't going to the Imperial Palace anymore. All of them think it was an baseless reason for The Empress to want me to play with the Prince as the Grand Duke's daughter. And that's why they are all so against Prince Mikhail coming to our place.

But the reason why I am worried is different!

Author's Note: Hello everyone! I hope you all had a lovely day ❤️.

I was really confused in many parts in today's chapter. I think there are some grammatical error in some parts. I'm extremely sorry about that.

But still if you like the chapter please do vote⭐.

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