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"Do you wish to say something?" I asked Mikhail who was staring at me like he wanted to kill me with his gaze. "I guess you don't. Then let's play something I'm bored," I proposed.
"I don't want to play with you," replied Mikhail instantly.
"Then don't. I can play with someone else," I said smilingly. "Miss, is there any game I can play right now?" I asked the maid who mostly stays with us during our meet.
"My Lady, do you wish to play some boardgame or do some activities?"
"Anything is fine."
After some time she brought a few games with her. I randomly chose a puzzle and started looking at it.
"Do you think you are here to eat and play?" asked Mikhail furiously.
"Yes. I do," I said calmly.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN???" he shouted.
"Don't you know? I come here to eat and play."
"Then what are you doing with my brother?"
"Studying. That's my fees for spending time with you."
"The Empress; your mother."
He looked at the maid I spoke a little ago, so he didn't knew about it? I started playing with my puzzle without paying much attention to him. Then after talking about something he ran outside of the room. I kept playing with my puzzle but he never returned so I went to my classes.

"Hello!" I said as I entered the room.
"Oh, you must be Lady Davinia. I'm Claude Birming and I'll be talking your class today."

I tried to be a little slow today; getting praised for being smarter than others is nice but it's embarrassing because I'm mentally older and it feels like I'm deceiving others. Moreover once I'm 15 I'll become just like other kids so then people might start thinking I have become dumb. It's better that I don't stand out much outside. Everyone already thinks I'm a prodigy at home.
"Lady Davinia are you thinking something? You look really inattention today," said Liam.
"Oh no. It's not like that," I said embarrassedly.
"You are already so smart even if you aren't attentive that won't matter. I wish I was like you," he said sadly.
"No Liam! That's not it.... I mean to say Prince Liam you are already very intelligent...."
"No. Please just call me Liam."
"But, how can I do that?"
"Then I'll also call you Davinia."
"If you say so then okay," I said confusedly.

Back at the Ducal Manor:
"Are you back Davinia?"
"Yes Meitry. I just came back."
"How was it today?"
"Quite peaceful. I won't be going there anymore this week."
"Oh that's good to hear."
"Lady Davinia, your grandfather wishes to see you," suddenly a maid said.
"Okay. I'll be back in a minute wait here Meitry."
"But why does he wants to see you?"
"I don't know."

"You wish to see me grandfather?" I asked as I went inside his room.
"So you are Davinia Holler daughter of Pia," he sighed,"I had seen Pia a long time ago when she was a performer; you do resemble her a little."
I stayed silent.
"Cedric worry about you a lot. He even told me you you were adamant about becoming the fourth prince's playmate despite his objections," his gaze suddenly changed, "why?"

Author's Note: How is everyone doing? I wasn't able to update yesterday so if I get time I'll update another chapter later today.

Anyway what is their grandfather planning? What do you guys think?

And do you guys like the conversation between Mikhail and Davinia? It was the longest conversation they had in three days.
If you like the chapter don't forget to vote⭐.

I ENDED UP AS A DUKE'S 7TH CHILD Where stories live. Discover now