Chapter 31

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Minho's POV:

The next morning, I found myself on my chair from the Council Hall, zoned out and completely uninterested by what's going on.

I knew what I was going to say and it was all that mattered to me. Everyone else's opinion was irrelevant. I know what I saw, I know what Thomas did and how brave he was... There's no doubt I'll change my mind.

Y/N was everywhere in my head. I couldn't focus on anything because the thought of her never disappeared. The way I saw her fainting in my arms, the way she was lifted from the ground right before the Griever stung her-

Every time I review this on my mind makes goosebumps rise all over my body.

I wanted her to wake up. That's all I could focus on. Seeing her beautiful smile again. But who am I trying to fool? If she wakes up, she'll be acting crazy. No smile, no jokes, no more the Y/N I've fallen for.

That thought hurt me deeply, like a sharp knife penetrated my heart and my lungs, making me gasp for air while the other Keepers were talking all at the same time.

The Gathering was only murmurs for me. Maybe fragments like: "Thomas is a hero" or "he broke the rules". I wasn't paying attention to them. I didn't want to and I couldn't either.

Maybe Newt will just skip the part where Y/N also ran into the Maze and broke the rules. Nobody wants to hear about their friend being a step away from death.

"Minho?" Newt called me insistently and I realised he must've been waiting for me to say my opinion- the last word.

I looked at Thomas for a second and all I could feel was shame.

He deserves this more than me.

"I'm not gonna ramble about what he did or not. And I won't say he's not stupid for breaking the rules," I took a deep breath. "But what I know is that he's brave. He stayed when I ran like a scared chicken and he helped Alby, together with Y/N, before I left them. They were strong while I decided to be a cry baby and run away," I continued. "I nominate Thomas to take my place for the Keeper of the Runners."

My suggestion was followed by a deadly silence. Everyone was staring at me but I knew this was the right thing to do. I didn't deserve this position. Thomas, instead, did. Y/N too. They were courageous. They were willing to help Alby more than my terrified butt.

"That's stupid! He should be kicked out of the Council for making such a recommendation!" Gally exploded while pointing at me.

Then, the other Keepers started to talk all at once, most of them being against my idea but a few were still supporting it. I didn't feel ashamed for that. I deserved it as much as I hate saying it.

I'm just a scared slinthead who lost his only reason to live for.

"Shut up!" Newt yelled, making everyone go silent. "That's some serious klunk you're talking about there. It's just... You must defend that recommendation extremely detailed."

I got up to look at everyone while I spoke.

"Well, I think it's enough to say that, even though I should've been the experienced one, a Runner who knows how to deal with the Maze, I did nothing but ran, leaving everyone behind. I was scared while they weren't," I started and I took a deep breath because I was about to say something that makes my stomach clench. "I don't know what Y/N did after I left but I know she stayed to help Alby more than I did. You can think whatever you want about her, but she's braver than all of us put together. Thomas also came up with ideas to get away from the Grievers. He was in control just a few days after he arrived in this hell. He wasn't scared, he didn't panic, he-" I was cut off as Gally spoke over me.

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