Chapter 2

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Minho's POV:

I stayed in the Med-jack's hut for a few more minutes before I decided to go outside.

I was about to open the door when I heard movement behind me as someone would be waking up.

I turned around to see the girl. And that's correct. She was waking up. When she was sitting on the bed, she looked around confused and when she met my gaze, her expression changed totally from confusion into pure terror.

And then, like all the Greenies, she started to ask questions with her voice trembling a bit.

Y/N's POV:

When I woke up, it was like I slept for days. While I was examining the room I was in, I felt very confused. I didn't know where I am or what was that place.

But I froze when I saw a guy standing in front of me, only 3 meters away.

"Who are you?! Where am I? What is this place?" I asked, trying not to show my terror, but I failed miserably.

"Okay. Listen to me, Greenie. First, I'm not gonna kill you so calm the shuck down. Second, I don't have time to answer your questions, but Alby will so come with me." he said, my fear transforming into anger.

"And by the way, name's Minho." he added, starting to come closer. When he was right in front of me, he held out his hand, expecting me to grab it.

"I can get up by myself." I said, not looking at him.

After I was raised from the bed, I saw him rolling his eyes as I walked toward the door so I could open it.

When I was outside, the first thing I saw was something like a giant gate that was opened and the huge walls that seem to surround the place we were in.

And then a word, which wasn't my name because I already knew it, came into my mind: Maze.


"What's there?" I asked Minho who was standing next to me, pointing to that gate.

"I told you, Alby will explain." he answered as he crossed his arms, seeming to be bored of my questions.

Well, if you're not gonna tell me, then I'll find out by myself. I'm not waiting for this "Alby" to explain anything because I can do it on my own.

And like this, I sprinted to the opened thing.

I didn't bother to look back because I knew Minho was already running after me.

"Stop!" he yelled from behind, but I kept running. I looked around and I saw that others were also coming in my direction but they couldn't stop me. I wanted to know what's out there.

But what if there's a maze? Like, where else can I find a maze if not there? But how could I know about it?

I was very close to the entrance. The others were yelling at me to stop but I didn't care as I continued to focus on pushing my legs forward faster and faster.

As I got into this actual maze, I ran all the corridor and then took the right way.

I dared to look back and I saw Minho, a few meters away from me, still running and trying to catch me. But I didn't stop. I don't know how but I wasn't tired. I felt like I could run a whole day without stopping even for a second.

I was running but I didn't know where. I was just taking random ways through the maze.

Minho continued to yell after me to stop because it's dangerous but he was saying this only to scare and make me stop.

But it didn't work.

When I took the left way, I got into a long corridor, at the end of it seeming to be only one way to the right.

I continued to run until I was at the middle of the way. Then I stopped. I stopped because I realised I did a mistake.

What if we're lost and we can't go back? What if Minho doesn't know the way back?

After a few seconds, I felt someone's arms wrapping around me. I tried to free myself from his grip but I failed miserably. He was too strong and I was still regaining my full strength after that deep sleep I was in.

"Calm down! I told you. I won't kill you. At least not yet. I can't believe you really ran here and didn't stop when I told you to stop. You have no idea about what you did. If the doors close before we make it back in the Glade, we're shucking dead. Do you understand me?" he hissed into my ear through clenched teeth, starting to make the grip stronger as I finally stopped fighting against him.

"What do you mean 'before the doors close' and 'we're dead if we don't make it back'?" I asked. He took a deep breath while letting me go.

I turned around so I could face him.

"You don't wanna find out. Trust me," he said. "Okay, Greenie, we gotta turn back in the Glade now!" he continued.

"Okay, Minho why the hell are you calling me 'Greenie'? I have a name!" I snapped back.

"You didn't tell me your name."

"You didn't ask." I spoke, crossing my arms.

"Wait. You remember what your name is?" he asked curiously, raising an eyebrow at me while placing his hands on his hips.

"Shouldn't I?" I questioned back annoyed.

"Yes, because all of us got our names back after a couple days. Not since we woke up. But how should I call you though?" he questioned again.

"Y/N." I simply answered.

"Okay, Y/N," he said, pronouncing my name differently. "Let's turn back in the Glade 'cause I don't wanna be stuck all night in the Maze with you." he continued.

"Me neither." I mumbled back.

He took my arm and we ran back to the so-called Glade where the others were waiting for us.

But what I realised was that there weren't any girls. All of them were boys.

I hope the girls are doing something else so they couldn't come to wait here.

"Get her to the pit so she won't run again. I'll search for Alby to tell him that they're back." a blonde boy with a British accent said, looking at me.

One of those boys took me to the 'pit' where I looked through the... some kind of bars but not made of metal, in the Glade, I think waiting for that guy named Alby.

After a few minutes, a dark-skinned boy appeared in my view.

"Hello there, Greenie. Hope you have a good time here, in the Glade." he said and I could literally hear his smile.

I wasn't looking at him though.

"You're not very talkative, huh?" he added.

"I'm not talking to unknown people. Mostly when they're boys." I said coldly, looking at the floor.

"Well... My name's Alby. It would be better if we talked both outside, not like this." he spoke, unlocking the door.

He helped me get out of there and then led me to the blonde boy that I've met before.

"Greenie, this is Newt. This shank's the second-in-command here-" Alby started but I cut him off.

"Okay. First. Stop calling me Greenie because I have a god damn name. And second, if he's the second-in-command, who's the leader?" I said.

They looked at each other and smiled.

"Does she remind you of someone?" Newt asked.

"Shuck yeah! But now I don't have time to talk. I'm kinda busy. Can you put someone else to give her the Tour?" Alby spoke, looking from him to me.

"Sure." Newt simply replied.

I felt very confused.

Minho said that Alby will tell me everything I need to know about this place but now he's busy so what am I gonna do?

"Come." Newt said and led me to someone I didn't wanna see again.

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