Chapter 23

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Y/N's POV:

I decided to leave the hut for the first time that day and went to wait for Minho, together with Newt, at the East Door.

"How did your neck heal so fast?" he asked me while glancing at me. I did the same. We didn't talk much today and he still didn't find out.

"I woke up feeling better," I simply said. "I suppose it was meant to heal fast because only yesterday my throat was inflamed. Today, I was just fine. It still hurts when I touch it but not like the other day."

"Then it's perfect. Unfortunately, you didn't have your voice back when... yeah.." his voice faded and I knew what he was about to say. I guess he didn't want to make me feel bad.

"Yeah. Anyway he's gonna be banished so." I shrugged, trying to not give the impression that I'm still marked by what happened to me.

He looked at me incredulously.

"Stop hiding what you're feeling. You're human, you can be scared. It you weren't, then it'd mean you're a psycho," Newt told me. "I was scared for you too when I heard you and James are missing. All of us were," I didn't answer. I just analysed the ground. "He's going to be banished for the order, to not let the others think they can do what they want. James had a chance and he didn't use it wisely. Now, there are consequences."

"I know that." I replied absently.

After a few minutes of silence, I heard steps coming towards us so I lifted my head because I knew that the Runners returned.

Minho arrived at me and pulled me into a hug right after nodding to Newt who then shook Ben's hand. After my friend let go off me, I quickly side hugged the other Runner so they could head towards the Map-room.

I wonder how it looks like though. I don't even think I'm allowed to go inside it.

Then, I headed back to the Med-jack's hut. There, I looked through some supplies from a table and began arranging them since the last time I touched those, it was before I got attacked by that boy who was banished yesterday and nobody used them afterwards.

Some time passed and Minho came inside.

"How're you doin'?" he asked me while coming closer.

"Good, arranging some stuff. You?" I replied.

"Same, just came to take you for dinner." he said as well.

"But-" I began and he quickly interrupted me.

"No but. Newt told me you didn't go to lunch and you just ate a bit in the morning. So you're coming." Minho spoke as he grabbed my arm, taking me out of the hut.

I didn't protest back because I started to feel hungry and I actually wanted to eat Frypan's food. I just didn't want the others to stare at me.

"After dinner, we're going to banish James." my friend suddenly told me.

"I'm glad Alby took this decision, even though I guess he was useful around." I uttered as I glanced at him.

"Well, he only follows the rules and he wants you to be safe. The others won't try anything else after this, you'll see. They thought that Alby just speaks but will never actually take action. Mostly about that part with throwing those who try to touch you into the Maze." Minho explained.

"I hope you're right." I uttered lowly. I didn't believe that.

"I am, you'll see." he spoke as we arrived at the kitchen where he opened the door for me to enter first. Everyone else was gathered inside and they were all eating, not even caring about who came inside which made me feel relieved.

I went to the table where my usual mates were already eating, all besides Clint who I found out was still watching James.

Minho was right when he said James won't be left alone at all.

After dinner, everyone started to get out and began preparing for another banishment.

I wasn't able to be there yesterday since I was basically kidnapped, but tonight I could watch.

In not even ten minutes, everybody surrounded the East door while the same good built boys from
the last Gathering were bringing James over there.

I was watching everything from a few meters away since I wasn't taking part into the banishment like the others.

Newt was holding a big, metal pole, maybe six meters long. At one end of it there was a loop of rough leather, fastened to the metal with a massive staple and a large button revealed that the loop could be opened and closed. I didn't see this yesterday. The other Gladers were holding wooden spears as they were making a semicircle around the gate.

As James was there, Alby wrapped the collar around his neck, travelling to the very end of it and that's when the Builder started to speak.

"Alby, please. You can't do this to me." he pleaded.

"James of the Builders, you were sentenced to Banishment for the attempt of raping Y/N. You broke the rules and this ain't changing. And you ain't coming back," Alby spoke, completely ignoring James' affirmation. "Keepers, take your place on the Banishment Pole."

After his words, they all did as they were told, gripping the pole with both of their hands.

"No, please. Don't do this just because of a stupid girl!" James rose his voice in desperation.

His insult hurt more than I expected.

"Shut up!" our leader shouted at him but he ignored it.

"Someone help me, please! This is unfair! You can't banish me for this!" James insisted but nobody said a word. "Please!!"

"If we let shanks like you around, this Glade wouldn't be functioning. Keepers, get ready!" Alby said.

"No! I swear I'll never do this again! Please! I promise!" he cried while the gate started to close.

"Keepers, now!" our boss yelled and James' body yanked forward as they started to walk with the pole.

"Nooooooo!" James screamed, desperation filling his voice while trying to escape from the collar but the strength of the others was much more over him. "NO! PLEASE!"

Nobody responded to him and he was closer and closer to death. He tried to stop himself by planting his feet on the threshold but that didn't help with anything. He was now about a meter inside the Maze and the doors were about to shut.

The first boy yanked the pole back into the Glade in the last second, apparently detaching it to the collar so that they could leave James to his Banishment.

For a reason or another, I felt an immense sadness filling my body. Even after what he did to me, this punishment was cruel, but as Alby said, he broke the rules and they are the most important. He did it to himself but it was my fault as well. If I wasn't here, none of it would be happening. But I couldn't control this.

They wasted a life because of my presence but at least I'm more useful than him; and I don't act like I'm the best around. He was hated by many so probably they will feel better without him, but it's still brutal how he was sentenced to death.

James doubted Alby and our leader showed everyone how important the rules are and what happens if you break them.

Maybe the Glade will be a safe place for me from now on.

And a year and a half passed...

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