Chapter 20

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Y/N's POV:

After we put the books in their place, we turned back to my bed.

"Honestly," Jeff started, looking at his hands. "I have no idea about what we should do about this. I thought we could find something useful in those books but it seems like there's no treatment."

I only looked at him, not knowing what to do.

"Wait. Your neck is basically bruised, right?" he suddenly asked, getting up in a rush like he just figured out the most important thing that can get us out of here. I nodded confused. "A bruise is usually treated with ice so this seems to be the only choice we have left since there's nothing else we can do."

I opened my mouth to object but quickly remembered that I shouldn't be talking.

I took the pen and paper that I used earlier and wrote down a message for Jeff.

"You want to put ice on my neck? What if it makes this worse?"

"Nothing can go wrong," Jeff assured me. I opened my mouth to protest about it but before I could try to say anything, he began talking again. "Wait here. I'll be right back." he added, quickly running out of the hut.

I remained there, confused, looking blank at the door that just closed, and got lost in my thoughts.

It will probably hurt like hell but I don't think ice is enough to replace my vocal cords since I feel like they've been literally moved out of place.

But it didn't last long until I came back into the right reality because of a shucking loud scream that echoed from somewhere in the room I was standing in.

I immediately remembered about the guy who got stung earlier and rapidly turned my head in his direction but didn't dare to go closer.

He was struggling again against the ropes like some chained animal, trying, mostly in vain, to free himself from his prison.

Gladly, this time he seemed to be tied up to that bed properly so he couldn't escape.

At least not during the next minutes I'm gonna be alone with him inside.

I kept thinking about that strange paper I found in that book.

Why was it there?

Who put it inside the guide and for what purpose?

How didn't they find it before?

So many things happen and I can't explain them.

First, I had a feeling that something bad was about to happen and it eventually did.

Second, I remember things about my past and even this boy recognised me so I definitely had something to do with this place.

And third, who knows in what klunk I will enter if anybody finds that paper. I have to keep it hidden. Away from everyone.

Soon, the hut's door suddenly opened and Alby and Minho stepped inside.

I looked at them addled, having no idea about what they were up to since I couldn't hear their conversation from earlier.

Minho's eyes landed on me but only for a split second as he turned his attention back to the stung guy.

"Alright, let's tie his hands," Alby said. "After this, you come with him to the East Gate, got it?"

"Yeah." Minho simply answered, going after our leader towards Steve who was still fighting with the ropes.

Alby untied the ropes that kept him down on the bed while Minho was maintaining his body against the mattress. He did this probably because he didn't want the guy to try to oppose, even though he calmed down a bit.

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