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GUYS Please check the media box👆. I made a Aesthetic of them .. Check it and tell me how is it


Riddhima was seated in princess couch and front of her vanity table. there was huge oval shape mirror.

Ariya, Sejal & Ahaana was helping Riddhima to get ready.. make up artists and hair stylists already done by her make up and hair style which is simple yet beautiful .
Ariya , Sejal and Ahaana was just helping her to wear jewellery's..
Suddenly their hear a knock on the door. Ariya open the door and found Abhay ,Ragini, Ahaan & Anita . There was two helpers also who had two plates in their hands. All of them come inside and look at Riddhima . Riddhima also look at them through the mirror with soft smile. Then turn towards them and stand up from the couch.

Riddhima : choti maa, chhote papa, BB, Di how I'm looking ?

Four of them look Riddhima at with emotional yet Happy smile.
Anita come forward and
She rolled her hands around Riddhima's head to remove the evill eyes and then put kajal behind of his ear.

Anita: Beautiful even moon will feel shy seeing your beauty today.. my baby

Riddhima give her smile. Then Ahaan come forward and roll few notes bundles above of Riddhima to take of evill eyes ... He give the money to the female staff who was standing there.
He kiss on her head in return Riddhima hug him .
He give her blessings for happy married life.
Riddhima look at her siblings who was standing silently and looking down.
Riddhima called them..

Riddhima: BB, Di both of you won't look at me? Tell me how I'm looking

Both of them look up and Riddhima saw their teary eyes. She open arms her arms. And that's was enough for both of her siblings to run towards her and engulf her in big hug.
Both Ragini - Abhay become very emotional after all it their baby sister was getting married once again..

Ragini: you looking most beautiful bride in this world.. absolutely gorgeous

Abhay: I still can't believe my Riddhu,my doll whom I usedtake in my arms when she was a just few days baby.... today she herself become a mother of beautiful baby boy , a successful business woman and today she is getting married ..

Saying that he kiss on her head and hug both Ragini & Riddhima more tightly and few drops of tears fall from his eyes. Riddhima broke the hug and wiped his tears..

Riddhima: don't cry BB..

Abhay: those are tears of happiness.. I'm very happy for you my doll.

Riddhima just hug him and kiss on his cheeks. Abhay chuckle on that.

Anita: abbu.. ginni..

Anita called them and forward a sliver plate towards them which was cover with red Velvet cloth. Ragini remove the cloth and saw a gold diamond nose ring which belong to their mother and it their Heirloom jewellery

Anita: this is a one of ritual where parents of bride or her elder siblings make her wear our traditional nath.. di and jiju aren't here so you both( Abhay- Ragini) have to performance the Ritual.

Abhay nod his head and pick that nose ring from plate. He pushed nath softly it on her nose piercing and Ragini tied the nath chain other end to the side of her hair

Both of them again kiss Riddhima 's head and side hug her.

Ragini & Abhay: God give you all happiness of the world.

Suddenly all of them heard a sound of fire work,divine conch and dhol which indicating arrival of our groom (Vansh) and our bride ( Riddhima ) heartbeat start beating fast on that..

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