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This cover 👆 is made by me how is it............

This Chapter has quite of violence, fight, torture, child abuse & blood . If you are uncomfortable with this . Then please skip it...


Ariya: Sejal...

But Ariya's heart wrenching scream make him and everyone stop.

Their look at direction Ariya was looking with shocked face and their faces also become the same. When their saw injured sejal with bleeding wound in her stomach

A guard was coming towards them with her in his arms.

Everyone run toward the guard who have sejal in his arms. Aryan take her from guard and sat on ground.he keep her head on his lap.
Aryan & Anita was crying was like a mad and screaming at her to wake up her .

Anita: how this happened who did this to my daughter.
wake up sejal wake up Na baccha.. please sejal..

Aryan: don't you dare to leave me sejal.. wake up.. you know na how much I love you and I'll not able live without you. Please wake up

Abhay tie a clean clothe on her injury and try to stop bleeding.he look around and shout like a madam

Abhay : what are you all doing? Where the hell is doctors.. Call them...

Same time doctors and medical helpers team reached there with stretcher and other equipments.

Helpers carefully pick up sejal from Aryan arms and make her lay in stretcher.
Then their pick up the stretcher and walk fast towards the medical wing.. everyone follow them.....


When the truck reach in highway.

Kaira/Devika: stop the truck... otherwise I'll shoot you

Kaira threat The truck driver to stop the truck with gun which she stole from the palace.
She gesture the driver stop the truck near of forest

The truck driver got fright and stop the truck. Kaira/devika - Ronnie remove the carpet from Riddhima - Arrvaya. Then their get down from truck taking Riddhima & Arrvaya on their shoulder. Kaira/devika threat again the driver to not said anyone about this.
The driver nod his head in fear & quickly start the truck and ran away from there.

Kaira/ devika keep Arrvaya on side of road. She walk towards car which was parked little inside of forest and cover with tree brush's. She remove the brush's from the car and get inside of the car. She drive the car and bring it near of Ronnie.
Ronnie put Riddhima - Arrvaya in backseat. He himself seat in passenger seat. He craned his neck and look at Riddhima- Arrvaya. While looking at them he asked kaira/ devika.

Ronnie: I think we should tie their hands what if their come to their sense.

Kaira/devika: no need it and both of them aren't going to come in their sense any time soon because I give them heavy dose.. at least not before morning.. so relax..

Saying that she start the car and drive towards their hidden den...

( Before assuming anything Sisodiya's has medical wing in palace with all modern advance facilities)

As soon as their reached in medical wing sejal was brought in operation room where doctor was treating her and surgery. Everyone was front of operation room door. Their are tensed for sejal and praying for her wellbeing . Anita was crying for her daughter.
Their still don't know about Riddhima & Arrvaya's kidnapping.

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