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Vansh was muttering something in sleep and suddenly open his eyes with jerk. Vansh heartbeat was beating fast while he was staring ceiling of room blankly laying in bed.


Vansh move his eyes from ceiling .he look at his left side and found Riddhima who was dressed in his yesterday's black shirt & her hair tie in bun. She is having bright smile on her face. Riddhima cheerfully wished him

Riddhima: Good Morning...... vansh

Saying that Riddhima bend down and kiss on his head lovely.
But vansh was staring her blankly. Riddhima sit beside of him and about to said something but before that Vansh sat up .he held up her arms & pull her in hug.

He hugged her tightly while snuggle his face into her side neck and sniffing her smells to calm himself.Also to make himself believe that she is absolutely fine and with him in his arms.

Unaware of his condition Riddhima also hug him back with smile. He broke hug and place kisses on her entire face then give long kiss on her lips.
Then vansh again hug Riddhima .. Riddhima also didn't said anything to vansh as she doesn't know anything about his bad dream/ nightmare..
Yes bad dream/ nightmare. It's was a bad dream/ nightmare which vansh saw in his sleep state.

Riddhima: vansh

Riddhima broke hug and made him look at her. Riddhima feel something is wrong looking at his sweaty face. She notice his sweaty face and fast breathing..she take a tissue and asked him while wipe sweat from his face.

Riddhima : what happened? Why are looking like this? Hmm

Vansh take a deep breath and said

Vansh: nothing just a non sense bad dream..

Riddhima: what bad dream? Tell me

Vansh: Riddhima... I Said na it's just non sense bad dream.. nothing else.. so don't worry..

Vansh kiss on her head and said..

Vansh: by the way you looking absolutely hot my baby's mama in my should wear my clothes only.their suits you....

Riddhima smile on that and kiss on his check..

Riddhima : thank you my baby's papa.. and I also think I should wear your clothes only..hmmm

Both of them laugh on that

Riddhima: now get up mr lazy and come with me..

Vansh: where sweetheart

Riddhima: aa voh I have plan a romantic bath date & a breakfast date for us..

Vansh: what ..

Riddhima : yup

Vansh(worried): Riddhima sweetheart why are tiring yourself.. you shouldn't do those hard works in this time and only should take rest.. you could have wake up me and tell me no no.. order me..
I could do all this ..why you..

Riddhima smile sheepishly at him hearing his cute scolding..

Riddhima: Vansh..Vansh..relax... take a deep breath..

He did what she said...Riddhima warp her both hands around his neck and said..

Riddhima: Don't worry.. I know I shouldn't do any heavy & tiring work this time.. but Vansh little bit light chores won't harm me.. infact you know During pregnancy woman's shouldn't only take rest.. their should do light works, light exercise and yoga.. it makes help to have normal delivery...

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