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Warning: This Chapter also has extreme violence, fight, torture,  abuse & blood . If you are uncomfortable with this . Then please skip it...⚠️⚠️


Veronica got Panicked when she saw familiar car's is following her. Because those are kaira's goons cars which are following her and firing bullets towards her car.
Soon they overtake her car . Because of this Veronica become more panick .
In panick she couldn't control her car speed and collided with truck which come from opposite direction.
But before the collision. she open Arrvaya's seatbelt and push her out from car to save her. Her car flipped in the air and landed beside the road with loud thud.

Her car was lying upside down and was totally broken. Veronica's half body was inside the car and half outside.she got a nasty head and shoulder injury. But Arrvaya was throw out from car & got slight wound's

Those goon come out and smirk seeing the car condition..Their come towards the Arrvaya and about to touch her but Suddenly strong winds start blowing which force them step back from her and their notice a small figure who was standing front them shielding Arrvaya from them.
A figure of a kid.. a boy..

One of goon said that boy in rude manner..

Goon: hey you boy what are you doing here?
Move from there...

That boy look at them with them with his blood red angry eyes . In a blink of eye All goons was laying down in road injured and groaning in pain.

That boy was seething in anger and 2 pointy & Sharp fangs come out from his upper gums  .

He march toward one of goon and lean near his neck. That boy about to bite him . But He stop when he heard a whimper of Arrvaya.

In a second he become calm and his fangs also got vanish. That boy get up and & run toward Arrvaya.
he knelt down beside of injured Arrvaya.

That boy: Shsss princess .. I will heal you.. don't worry you will be fine.

Saying that he closes his eyes and mummers something. Then he run hand on her forehead to feet. With this all wounds of Arrvaya's got disappear.

But Arrvaya was still unconscious. That boy whisper looking at her.

That boy: don't worry my princess... Your Advik will always protect you from every danger.. you are mine only mine princess

That boy aka Advik was staring Arrvaya with possessivenes, love & adoration. Same time Ariya and others along with their guards reach there.

But before their could see Advik. His parents mishika - abhinav come there. their use their power and make him unconscious . Their are take him and run away from there blink of eyes.

When Ariya saw Arrvaya unconscious in side of road. she jump out from her car and run toward her daughter. She knelt down beside Arrvaya and pick her from ground.

Ariya: aa a ... Mere baby.. my Arrvaya...aaaa thank God I found you

She hug her tightly & loud sob come out from her mouth.
Ariya break the hug to check She has any wounds or not.

She saw few blood stains on her clothes but didn't found any injury.she give kisses on her enitre face and again hug her close to her heart.

Vihaan notice Veronica. He & Ritwik run toward her and bring her out from the car.

Vihaan: Ariya

Ariya look at him still hugging Arrvaya close to her.

Vihaan: Veronica is badly injured .. we need to take her hospital ..

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