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(Vansh Room)

Atmosphere was tensed Everyone was standing outside of vansh room.Ishani & Siya was crying remembering vansh previous condition & Aryan was trying handle them.
Angre was blaming himself for not being careful.
Ariya & others was silently praying for Vansh wellness.But Riddhima was completely slient.her head was hanging low.

Room door got open & doctor come out. Everyone look at him & ask him about vansh condition..

Siya: mere bh..I mean Mr Rai Singhania how is he?

Doctor: Well he is fine now..but he is unconscious.but he will wake up soon.Maybe he feels little bit weakness but prescribe medicines for will go away in few days.

Everyone take breath of relief.

Ishani: Thank you doctor for saving my brother

Doctor: Not me but you should say thank you to Kunwar Ranisa. Thanks to Riddhima kunwar Ranisa who make him drink salt and make him vomit. Because of that all Snake posion come out from his body & he got save..

Abhay felt doubt & ask him..

Abhay: Wait a minute kya matlab Snake posion?

Doctor: The posion we found in his body was Snake posion.Black Mamba

Everyone: What

Ariya: Oh my god What are you saying?

Sejal: But We didn't find any bite his body?Also how can such dangerous Snake can be here?

Ragini: We always keep check every nook of palace and mansion by expert's.then..

Doctor: Yes we also didn't find any bite mark in his body.I think he eat something which have posion?

Sejal: but we all also eat the same food & milk which he ate.Also all food was checked & taste by Uday banasa..then

Abhay look at Uday & ask him

Abhay: didn't you check food before it got serve it in table.

Uday: No yuvraaj sa I checked before serve & I'm myself feeling shocked hearing this.

Ariya: that means posion come in glass after checking

Suddenly Riddhima speak without look up anyone.

Riddhima: Uday Banasa come with me.

Saying that Riddhima walk with her Uday & other follow them.Apart from Ishani & Ragini who was staying with vansh in his room.


Rose was standing near dinning table & looking at the glass from which vansh drink milk.
Everyone was busy & worried about vansh. even the staff also because this the first time something like this happens in Sisodiya palace.That's why they forget to clean the table.

Rose: I need to remove this glass from here..Varna sab ko pata chal jaega ki it was snake poison.

She look here & there to see anyone was there or not & entire area was empty.Rose about to take that glass but before that someone hold Rose hand & Rose was shocked to see that person.That person was....
Riddhima.Who was silent but her silentness was looking more dangerous.She was looking at Rose with blood red eyes.

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