Sick :(

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Macy's pov
I woke up without Reed next to me, and lets just say I feel like crap. I was hot and my body hurt, I could not breath. Ugh great I am sick with something great. "Sam!" I said not too loud. "Sam!" Come on. "SAM!" I yelled that time not really caring if people where still sleeping. By know I was crying I was hurting so bad. "WHAT THE HEL- baby girl what's wrong!" He said running to the side of my bed. See how fast he can change. "I- I don't feel good at all!" I said bearly above a whisper. By now everyone was in my room asking questions excepted for Colby. That's strange. Reed came over and put his hand on my forehead. "Love, you are burning up." "I DONT FEEL GOOD!" I said starting to cry even harder. "Shh don't cry I know you don't feel good and we are going to do everything in our power to make you feel better shh it will be okay." Reed said pulling me into a hug. "Guys everything is spinning is that normal??" I said feeling really sick. "Bathroom!" Is all I could get out. I ran to the bathroom and locked the door and literally threw up everything I had in me. "Macy open the door." Reed, Devin and Sam said all at the same time. "No your not seeing me like this please just go away!" "No at least let one of us in!" Devin said. I unlocked the door. "Only Sam." I said. Right when I said that I got sick again. "Ugh Sam." "Yeah I think you got a really bad stomach bug." Sam held my hair back as I puked my guts out. After about ten minutes of throwing up and brushing my teeth and wiping my face with cold water I was finally good. "You good now babe?" Sam asked. "I just want to sleep." We got out of the bathroom and I walked my sick little butt back to bed. With everyone watching me. "I'm going to go get May some medicine does any one want to go with me but Reed you stay here with your sick girlfriend." I gave Sam my famous finger and went under the blankets and my head under a pillow. "Yeah I will don't worry." Reed said chuckling about me flipping off Sam. "I'll go." Devin said "yeah me too." Sadie agreed. "Can you get soup too?" I asked. "Yes love, we will be back." Sam said walking out. Reed came and layed down next to me. "Reed I would not get to close. I don't want you to get sick." "No babe I'm not going to stay away from you just because you are sick!" Reed said warping his arms around me.

After about ten minutes of silence I broke it. "Hey Reed." "Hm?" "Where is Colby?" "Oh he is on a date with Jordan." I rolled my eyes because lets just be real I don't like Jordan but all well. "Oh ok." "Why?" "It was just strange not seeing him up here when I was getting sick for 10 minutes straight." "Oh okay." "We should go down stairs and watch Monsters University cus you love me and want to take me down stairs and watch a movie with your sick girlfriend." I said kissing him on the cheek. "Your right I do love you! Yeah come on." I put my arms out like I was a 2 year old and wanted to be picked up by there mom. He picked me up and we went down stairs to watch my movie.
*30 minutes into the movie*
"Honey we are home." Sam kinda yelled. "Sam shut up I have a head ache." "Oh I'm sorry here take this I will get you some water." Sam said handing me a red and an orange pill. "Sam should I trust you?" I asked him with the people around me laughing. "Yeah you should I am your older brother that has taken care of you your whole life so I would say so." I rolled my eyes and mocked him. "Ahh sister and brother love. Yeah you can trust him the red on is for head ache and the orange one is for stomach aches." Sadie said. "Thanks! Let me guess you picked them out?" I said giggling at Sam who was rolling his eyes and giving Sadie looks. "Yeah I did." "Okay so what are we watching?" Sam said changing the subject and handing me water. "Monsters University." Reed said. "Again May we just watched that last night." Sam said throwing a tantrum like if a little kid got his favorite toy taken away. "And your point is? I like this movie." I said sticking my tongue out. "Well someone is feeling better." Devin said laughing. "Eh kinda my stomach doesn't hurt that bad anymore. More my head." "That's good" Sam said. Reed kissed my forehead. "Yeah your fever had gone down but you still have one." "Okay since no one wants to watch this movie pick a new one." Dev said.
(8:00 pm on are 5th movie)
*Colby and Jordan barged though the door really loud*
"Keep it down Macy is sick and she has a headache." Sam snapped. "Oh sorry." Jordan said giggling at something. Me or Sam do not really like Jordan she has used Colby like 3 times and he still have not seen it. It drives us up walls. "Well I'm going to bed goodnight Dev, Sadie and Sam." "Night love." Dev and Sam said at the same time. "Night." Sadie said. "Why are you being a little brat towards Jordan and I?" Colby hissed"Okay first off you have no right to call me a brat and you guys were just so caught up in your make out session I didn't want to interrupt you guys." I snapped at him. "Oh I forgot I can't kiss my girlfriend in front of you without you getting jealous." And that sent me off. "REALLY JEALOUS OH MY GOD COLBY YOU NEED HELP AND YOU NEED IT NOW. YOUR THE ONE THAT BROUGHT YOUR FAKE GIRLFRIEND THAT IS ONLY USING YOU FOR SEX THEN YOU FREAKING MAKE OUT WITH HER ALL DAMN NIGHT AND THEN YOU CALL ME A BRAT AND JEALOUS. JUST GET OUT OF MY DAMN LIFE IT WOULD BE A LOT MORE HELPFUL." I could tell everyone was a little take in back that I just yelled at Colby like that but he needs a wake up call. "YEAH I NEED HELP SAYS THE ONE WHO JUST FREAKING YELLED AT ME. I WILL DO YOU A FAVER I WILL GET OUT OF 'YOUR DAMN LIFE' You Obviously didn't want me in it anyways or you would have not gone out with Reed and you would have gone out with me." "Well I would have not gone out with a asshole like you in the first place! Now I am sick not in the mood to yell anymore I am going to bed." I said walking up to my bed room holding back the tires. "I'll go talk to her." Sam said. "No let me I know what she is going through." Sadie said.
Sams pov:
"Jordan can you do me a favor and get the hell out of my house." She looked at me and stormed out of the house. "Don't sla-" *DOOR SLAM* "the door." "What did I do?" Is all Colby could say. "Well I don't know you just call Reed out and like killed my little sister so you decide." I hissed at him. "Reed you okay?" Dev asked. "Yeah I'm fine." "Im so sorry Reed I didn't mean any of it." "Colby you don't need to be apologizing to me you need to apologize to Macy." "No she hates me." "And who's fault is that?" Dev asked being a smart ass. "Whatever I'm going to bed I will figure out everything in the morning."

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