I wasnt meant to be here

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I tapped at my PC and then scrolled through social media. I was bored; it was a rare day that I had off. But I just never knew what to do with myself when I did have time off. It was weird. My friends told me that I just needed to relax and find some hobbies.

I pushed back from my desk and got up, walking over to the fridge. I stared into it aimlessly. I grabbed my wallet and stopped to check on myself in the mirror next to the door.

My black hair was sticking out in random spots, and my blue eyes seemed brighter against my heavy eyeliner. I shrugged. I tried to run a hand through my hair to calm a few strands. It was good enough, I suppose. I pulled on my favorite black hoodie and then slipped on my shoes.

Time for an iced coffee; at least I was going out, right? I yawned as I made my way down the steps. I always hated how my chest bounced obnoxiously whenever I made any movement.

I made my way down the street. It was roughly 11 a.m. I loved coffee and sweets, really. I got in line at the cafe, looking down at my thick legs and pudgy stomach. My body betrayed me, making it obvious that my love of junk was there. I was a thick girl, that's for sure. Maybe not obese, but I wasn't skinny by any means.

I got my coffee and sat at one of the tables near the window. I yawned again as I took a drink from the sweet life force. I didn't smoke or do any of the drugs they offered. I didn't do much, but I certainly did have a caffeine addiction. I pulled my phone out as it buzzed.

Local wall security was lost in District 80.

I looked at my phone, alarmed. I was in zone 80 right now, shit... I got up as everyone else was noticing the notification on their phones. I could see the panic beginning to set in their faces.

We lived in a world that was controlled by the world government. The magnetic fields that they had placed all over protected us from the random fluctuations and weird whirlpool-like portals.

Getting that alert means the magnetic field has failed and that an event may take place soon. Great.... I hurried from the building before everyone started to sink into chaos.

"Get out of my way!" A panicked voice yelled from behind me. "Fat freak!" I was shoved forward. My coffee slid across the sidewalk but managed to stay in tact. Praise whatever gods may exist.

I grunted, getting up off the ground. Damn, that sucked. I looked back at the people running from the coffee shop. I grumbled as I went over and picked up my coffee.

Fat freak, whatever... I was thick and liked black. Kill me. I brushed dirty from my hoodie and took a drink of my coffee. I froze as a high-pitched sound crackled through the air and a force started to pull me backwards. No, no way... I tried to remain calm, but my mind was panicking. I stood frozen as my feet slid against the ground and then lifted from the surface.

I didn't have time to scream as I was torn to shreds, or at least that's what I thought was going to happen.

Suddenly, I was falling... I screamed at first, but then it took a while, like a really long time. No one knew what happened when you fell through one of the portal things. We just assumed people died. No one ever came back.

My mind began to calm in one way but panic in another. My mind was beginning to race through thoughts. Was this how I was going to die? Endlessly falling? Eventually, I would just starve... I patted my stomach... I had time... I sighed... I took a drink of coffee. Why not... I still had it...

Suddenly the darkness was bright, and I covered my eyes, then landed with a hard thud. I groaned. That hurt... so bad. I laid where I was for a moment, as it felt like my brain was trying to catch up to my body.

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