A bit of a jump

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With training going on, time seemed to fly, and soon it was just me and Kakashi. He started me on strength training, which was what it sounded like, on top of running; I was flipping stone's over, lifting heavy logs, and walking around with them. I met a few new people. Might Guy gave me leg weights, and I would often run with Rock Lee, who was far too fast for me. But he was a sweet kid, and the company was good. Mighty guy and Kakashi would spare... it reminded me how different he treated me.

He was always gentle with me, but with everyone else, it was far different.

I cringed as he slammed Rock Lee into the ground and then kicked Tenten to the side like she was a ball. Neji was the only one who seemed to have a chance, but even he went flying into a tree. I paled and flipped over my flat rock again. My arms are sore... I enjoyed the training, oddly.

But soon, Kakashi had to go on missions. This time, it was a long one. I bit my lip as I stood at the gate with the Might guy... Kakashi was handing my training over to him for the moment. Kakashi leaned down, I lifted my kimono-like jacket to shield him, and we kissed. He looked down at me with a pained expression. "Try to stay out of trouble, okay?" He whispered it as he pulled his mask back up.

I nodded and hugged him. He hugged me back with his back to everyone, almost hiding me away. "I..." He started to talk, but he looked unsure as he looked down at me. He swallowed and touched my face.

"I will be waiting for you, Kakashi." I said it softly. I leaned into his touch... "You better be safe; you better not get hurt." I said it, getting teary-eyed as I stared up at him. He was really strong; I knew that, but he was also only human. I hugged him one more time and pecked his cheek. I frowned, furrowing my brows, as I realized that this actually hurt pretty badly.

He looked so conflicted, and he just held my face for a moment. "I will do my best to return to you unharmed. Remember to keep studying and training. I expect to test you in a match when I come back." He said the last part with a smile. He bopped my nose, and then he looked conflicted again. Was he feeling the same way?

I thought for a moment, "I wish I could give you something." I said it thinking. I wish I had thought of it earlier.

He thought for a moment, then he looked me up and down. He grabbed my wrist and pulled off my stretchy bracelet with my name on it. He put it on his wrist and showed me before covering it with his sleeve. "There, now me..." He thought for a moment. He frowned; every thing he had on him he needed, I guess.

"Don't worry, Kakashi. I have the whole house." I said it, widening my arms in a gesture.

He smiled and patted my head again.

"Hey, isn't that the girl they are looking for? " A voice caught our attention, making us all look up. There was a small group of men coming into the village and checking in at the gate.

Kakashi pulled me behind him and folded his arms, "Excuse me, what?" He asked loudly and a guy might walk over, ready.

The men looked at each other and then looked a little on edge. The biggest folded his arms and eyed up Kakashi. " There was a poster a few towns over, looking for a girl and guy—one like her and a man with long dark hair and blue eyes." He said it, trying to look at me again but Kakashi stepped into his view.

Kakashi was rigid; maybe not news you want to hear right as you are about to leave for so long. Might Guy stepped forward and said, "Now, let's not get so heated. I am sure it is a mistake. Our young lady has only left the village once." He was raising his hand, as if to stop it with just the motion.

The men shrugged, "Well, then, just as a warning, your girl there looks a lot like the one on the poster. Here..." He went into his bag and handed them a paper then they headed into the village.

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